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About us

solving problems by resolving needs

Our mission

for your needs

Value Relating cuts against the grain of divisive social norms to fully resolve needs. Too often, we slip into traps of temporary relief becoming long-term, then permanent. The underlying needs press you with more pain. We understand your painful needs. Fully resolving your needs removes your pain and improves your life.


“There is no such thing as pain outside of unresolved needs.”

We’re creating ways to bring this liberating idea to better resolve your neglected needs.

Our secret sauces

for your needs

1. Anankelogy 

Our founder is starting a new academic field for understanding your needs. Anankelogy is the study of need, specifically here the human experience of need. All products and services exist to serve needs, and finally you have a service to help you understand the needs themselves.

"There is no good nor bad except for need. Resolving needs removes pain."

The more you understand your needs, the less you suffer from not knowing how to resolve them.

2. Need-response

Our founder is launching a new professional field applying anankelogy. Applied anankelogy serves your needs like no other entity can. Instead of settling for minimal standards set by norms or laws, you compel others to respond to your specific needs.


"While no one sits above the law, no law sits above the needs it exists to serve."

The more you engage specific needs, the less you rely on disappointing impersonal laws.

3. Psychosociotherapy

Our founder created a complementary alternative to psychotherapy, to change unhealthy relationships instead of changing individuals. Instead of stigmatizing vulnerable individuals, we support them speaking their truth to power.

"Wellness is rarely all psychological. Wellness is psychosocial."

The more you improve all your relations, the more of your problems take care of themselves.

4. Transconventionality

Our founder naturally transcends divisive norms to resolve needs. Transconventionality simple means transcending convention. Where conventions get in the way of resolving needs, nature pulls us to transcend them. Think of Socrates, Jesus, Gandhi, and Dr. Martin Luther King.

"In a world where love is feared or hated, fitting in can be painfully overrated."

The more you transcend divisive norms, the more you can resolve needs to remove its pain.

or anankelogy [n.] (ä'-nä-kĕ'-lŏ-jē): the study of need.

Our unique founding

for your needs

Steph Turner founded Value Relating to serve you in ways no one else can or will. Instead of offering relief from pain which inevitably returns, Steph gets to the source of your pain: unresolved needs affected by influential others.


If love is putting the needs of others ahead of one’s own, Steph provides Value Relating as the vehicle to improve how we all respond better to one another’s needs. Such love is the driving engine for this enterprise, against the odds of this divisive world. As Steph puts it:


“Love inspires me to fully resolve needs like yours. Love constrains me to transcend norms that divide us into opposing categories, preventing us from resolving needs. Love compels me toward wholeness. Love spurs me to seek the full resolution of needs on all sides of an issue—including your affected needs.

“Love constrains me to

integrate opposing sides into a greater wholeness, even if repeatedly ostracized for being different or queer. I’ll endure such pushback for you.


“Love constrains me to

be holistically masculine and feminine, even if falsely accused and wrongly convicted without evidence as a LGBTQ sexual deviant stereotype. I’ll risk such violent prejudice for you.


“Love constrains me to

stand against abuse of state power, including refusal to register as a sex offender that this demisexual transperson is clearly not. I’ll speak such truth to power for you.


“Love constrains me to

respond to the overlooked needs on both sides to any political or judicial conflict, even if ridiculed for not taking sides. I’ll take the side of fully resolving your needs along with theirs.


“Love constrains me to

speak truth to power to improve everyone’s responsiveness to needs, starting with those in positions of power over you. I’ll speak truth to power with you.


“Love constrains me to

serve the needs on both sides to any conflict, even if my own needs must be put on hold for a while. I’ll put my needs on hold for you."

Yet, we await proper timing to launch this revolutionary approach. Revolutionary fervor is in the air.

“There is no greater revolution than to revolve back to love.”

During this fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, now seems the time to revolve to love!

In short, "I am oriented to 

1. fully resolve your overlooked needs, 

2. address your specifics, and

3. transcend divisive norms that get in your way." 

In short, "I am equipped to

1. stand up to power impeding full resolution of your power-impacted needs 

2. endure pain upfront to create lasting tranquility. and 

3. lay down my life in a bold act of love."

What can such love do for you and your needs? How can our team serve your overlooked needs?

Our growing team

for your needs

We're just getting started. So let's keep our expectations low. The market may resist not only someone claiming to be wrongly convicted, but someone who questions the legitimacy of the biased adversarial process to correct its own massive errors. If you flow with the grain of social norms, you potentially blame us misfits for not happily following along. If ready to question long standing norms and institutions, consider what this team can do for you.

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Steph Turner, founder & Executive Director

  • post-polarizing politics consultant

– message auditor, cultivate appeal to the general voter by affirming diverse needs

  • post-adversarial justice consultant

– case auditor, alternative innocence claim support for the wrongly convicted

Services offered as an outsider, with earned degrees in counseling, public administration, sociology, anthropology, and theology. Experience in teaching, consulting, strategic planning, counseling, nonprofit development, succession planning, grantwriting, grant reporting, and more.

All while enduring discrimination against the wrongly convicted.

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Alisha Turner, co-founder & Operations Coordinator

  • eldercare consultant

– family-centric ADL supports

Offering expertise from over 30 years experience serving elderly. Reached some of her modest education goals while forced to raise four young children mostly on her own, earning her CNA. Indirectly enduring discrimination of wrongly convicted and rising above it with grace and style.

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Angela Turner, executive assistant


One of the four adult children Alisha raised, now raising children of her own. 

Over ten years experience serving customers in various capacities.

Ensures Steph can focus on you during booked sessions by covering administrative details.

– process orders for our merchandise: t-shirts & mugs

Our areas of focus

for your needs

Post-polarizing political consulting: Value Politics

Applying anakelogy to respond to politicized needs. The oppositional approach promises relief to the winning side in a political contest. Value Relating counters this dysfunctional approach with need-response. Instead of mutual defensiveness, need-response looks at the needs behind every political stance and addresses them.

Post-adversarial justice consulting: Value Justice

Applying anakelogy to respond to need for justice. The adversarial approach tends to go no further than offering relief to a court battle's winning side. Value Relating counters this dysfunctional approach with need-response. Instead of a win-lose approach, need-response ensures all sides address the underlying needs to be resolved.

Post-alienation elderly consulting: Value Seniors

Applying anakelogy to respond to need of elderly to remain valued, to remain connected with loved ones, and to live up to their oft-overlooked full potential. Elderly get easily discarded into facilities away from loved ones. Value Relating counters this dysfunctional approach with need-response. Instead of compartmentalizing our seniors, need-response strengthens our bonds with a population we soon will join ourselves.

Our accessibility to you

for your needs

We are brand new. We are building from scratch a whole new way to address your specific needs. We are still thinking through our revenue models. We refuse to be tied down by conventionality. We look forward to engaging your and your overlooked needs. Join us in innovating this need-response vision. Join us in spreading some much needed love.

Blurred Motion

including yours

removing pain by resolving needs

solving problems by resolving needs
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removing pain by resolving needs

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