Introducing a refreshing alternative to divisive politics and the dysfunctional legal system.
Let's prioritize your specific needs over these failing systems.
Since nothing else seems to work with power, let's go higher with the power of love.
Advocacy Campaign
to apply anankelogy to your needs
This service is geared for those with a passionate “cause” to resolve a specific power-impacted need. They likely have worked one-on-one with a counselor or other professional trying to help them address the need, but those providers do not work specifically with powerholders to resolve the identified needs of the client’s cause.
These needs behind the cause tend to be experienced widely by others in similar powerless situations. It is therefore in the powerholder’s interest to improve their competencies to address this identified need. Continued failure could cost them their leadership credentials. Plus costly inattention could provoke lawsuits, a political backlash, or other hostile reactions.
This service offers these powerholders an attractive alternative to the adversarial rights of those vulnerably impacted by powerholders. When agreeing to our terms of service, the powerless client agrees to waive or suspend their adversarial options (e.g., lawsuits, ethics boards, boycotts, bad reviews left online, hostile political activism, and the like). This gives room to the powerholder to engage the powerless on equal terms with a conciliatory approach. By embracing our conciliatory path, these engaging powerholders can earn our impartially measurable credentials and then brand themselves as better leaders than their peers.
The central aim here is to identify and address the affected needs of all those involved. This service sets the high standard of resolving all identified needs. Unlike most alternatives helping to ease the pain of unmet needs, this service seeks to measurably improve the functionality of all affected by more fully resolving needs. This is the essential foundation for the originating cause for all to support. The alternative is always worse. This service may be the best or only option to encourage all involved to reach their potential to give more love.
So are you disappointed by all the other options for change? This path offers a promising alternative. Compare your status quo “cisconventional” options with our need-responsive “transconventional” options. You can even start for free!
Which do you prefer?
Cisconventional options
Transconventional options
elite-led institutions
limits responsibilities & rights
impersonal, alienating
thinks in black-and-white terms
shifts between opposing sides
win-lose results
risks overgeneralizing
atomized experience
opaque, arrogantly disingenuous
vacillating extremes
aim to ease winner's needs
to relieve winner's pain
limits functionality
symfunctionality or worse
imposes costs, harms lives
diminishes value
can spread hate
grassroots movement
enhances responsibilities & rights
personally engaging
appreciates gray area, nuance
conciliatory, mutually engaging
aims to integrate all sides
win-win results
gets to specifics
shared experience
transparent, humbly honest
cultivating balance
aim to resolve all needs
to remove all pain
raises functionality
toward peakfunctionality
shares costs, invests in lives
creates value
can spread love
Again, which do you prefer?
Address impersonal power relations behind needs
Advocacy Campaigns
are all about addressing power relations that impacts each other's needs.
Impact parity model
The campaign levels the playing field between the powerful and relatively powerless in a power relation. This actually benefits both sides.
A power relation generally includes two sides.
The one with the power tends to be coersive against the other, which can easily prevent the other from fully addressing and fully resolving their affected needs.
Relatively powerless:
While retaining some personal agency, the one with less power in the relation tends to be manipulated into settling for what is less than optimal.
Anankelogy, the study of need, refers to to the powerholder as the AI, and refers to the relatively less powerful as the RI.
Reporting Impactee
The powerless side is called the Reporting Impactee, or RI.
The RI is impacted by the relation more than impacting it.
"Reporting" because the RI humbly reports being negatively impacted by a power relation.
Ascribed Impactor
The powerholder side is called the Ascribed Impactor, or AI.
The AI impacts the relation more than impacted by it.
"Ascribed" because the AI may find they are a link in a chain of higher authorities of impactors.
citizen - police officer
employee - employer
patient - doctor
client - counselor
defendant - prosecutor
voter - elected rep
Some of these present a greater power differential than others. The prosecutor with absolute immunity, for example, presents far more risk for harm than the counselor whose licence can be revoked if failing to mitigate their power over a vulnerable client. An advocacy campaign can potentially mitigate any power differential, including prosecutors abusing their right to absolute immunity. All needs sit equal before the power of nature.
IMPACTEE = You are impacted by the relationship more than you impact it.
As a Reporting Impactee,
you typically endure the coercive impact of a power relation in a fearful
avoidance phase.
When the pain gets too much, you likely shift to a pain-relieving
adversarial phase.
Peace resumes when resolving each other's needs in our unique
conciliatory transition.
IMPACTOR = You impact the relationship more than you are impacted by it.
As an Ascribed Impactor,
you likely steer clear of uncomfortable details of those you impact in this
avoidance phase.
When they eventually react, you guard yourself against further pain in this
adversarial phase.
Peace resumes when resolving each other's needs in our unique
conciliatory transition.
Initially, avoidance options typically prevail. Few impactees dare rock the boat. A little unfairness can be tolerated.
The impactor can easily get the impression that their influence must only be positive.

Thinks to self: "I cannot risk losing what I have, so I best keep quiet."
Thinks to self: "I hear no complaints, so I must be doing alright."
As imbalance grows more painful, the impactee often reaches a breaking point. They resist further compromise. Which often takes the complacent impactor by surprise. Who understandably gets defensive.

Thinks to self: "I can't take this anymore! I must relieve this pain by challenging this unfairness any way possible."
Thinks to self: "I don't know where this is coming from. Likely a personal problem taken out on me for being successful."
Alternatively, the impact parity model encourages the impactee to speak truth to power of their impacted needs. The IPM enables the ascribed impactor to listen to those impacted without accepting fault.

Proactively asserts to all: "I need to
speak truth to power.
Even if risking loss of this relation and all that comes with it. I am passionately committed to resolving these needs."
Proactively asserts to all: "I need to
listen to those impacted.
Even if I have no direct bearing over the impacted needs. I am honored with this opportunity to competitively resolve needs."
In contrast to other services, the IPM aims for mutual support for resolving each other’s affected needs. Then to apply what they learned to others similarly situated. All the while drawing diverse resources toward resolving more and more needs.
Need-response takes the radical stance that we must address all the needs of all individuals involved in a power relation. Failure to do prevents a sustainable solution to the reported problem. Successfully addressing everyone’s needs more effectively brings everyone on board to the RI’s passionate cause. We do this through a process we call psychosociotherapy.
The advocacy campaign exists to proactively address power relations. Unlike the legal process or politics, it addresses the specific needs on each side.
The judiciary and politics lack effective accountability to ensure each specific need gets responsibly addressed. Only by addressing and adequately resolving each affected need, according to anankelogy (the study of need), will each side find sufficient capacity to support each other.
A power relation is defined by an interaction of two or more people, or between an entity and others, where one side impacts the other side more than the other side impacts the first.

RI. We identify the relatively powerless in the relation as a reporting impactee, which recognizes they are merely asserting that they are subjected to the powerful impacts of another. We abbreviate this individual as the RI. This service starts with such an RI.
AI. We identify the powerholder as an ascribed impactor, and relabel them as an acknowledged impactor when conceding their influence on others. We abbreviate this one as the AI. This service empowers the RI to reach out to such AIs for the good of all.
The RI enters the advocacy campaign as the hero of our unfolding living need-responsive narrative, or LNRN for short. Unlike psychotherapy that is conducted in private, the psychosociotherapy of the advocacy campaign is presented in a way for the whole world to see, to hold power to account.
The “psychosociotherapy” of the campaign
The advocacy campaign utilizes a special kind of “psychosociotherapy” that seeks to change the relationship between individuals instead of trying to change the individual. Once the individual is liberated from imposing external barriers, other issues can more freely take care of themselves. The campaign recognizes that counseling clients cannot reach their full growth potential while being held back by privileged power relations or imposing social structures.
This further recognizes that powerholders are themselves trapped in social structures, often beyond their individual control. The living need-responsive narrative unfolds a story of getting to these overlooked causes to stubborn social problems. Every dramatic story unfolds this adventure in three main parts, corresponding to the three segments of psycho-socio-therapy.
psycho – departure: the focus begins on the individual client who must depart from failed norms to address their cause to resolve overlooked needs.
socio – initiation: the client gets initiated into a new need-resolving world with a social support team.
therapy – return: the client helps to change power relations and social structures toward resolving more needs.
This process closely follows the “hero’s journey“ as identified by Joseph Campbell. Also called the “monomyth” because it pops up in human stories everywhere, this pattern guides the advocacy campaign client from an uncertain initiate to an impactful leader in a matter of weeks.
Before jumping into this journey below, let’s first talk about power relations.
Be the hero of your own meaningful story
Advocacy Campaigns
invites you to become the supported hero of your passionate cause to solve a social problem.
Power of story
Lead your own advocacy campaign with your own ‘living need-responsive narrative’ (LNRN).
Ready to step into your own reality show? Not for mere entertainment, but to help create meaningful change by resolving overlooked needs.
This ‘living need-responsive narrative’ or LNRN borrows elements from narrative therapy, which can help uncover the limiting stories the client tells about oneself. By using the power of story
Our brains are wired to respond more to meaning-rich stories than abstract facts. By encasing power impacted needs within a lived story, each side can respond more dynamically and effectively to the identified needs from their own internal motivations. Changing the dynamics of the relationship can then typically flow more naturally.
You can think of this as a kind of collaborative therapy to replace dysfunctional self-narratives generally favoring powerholders. But “therapy” here ‘alters’ the relationship between the powerholder and the powerless toward more need-resolving, without focusing much effort on changing the individuals themselves.
Without the usual stigma of psychotherapy, the LNRN exposes the “social facts” beyond each individual’s control. Pioneering sociologist Émile Durkheim identified these as transcending individuals and exercising some social control. Mirroring Durkheim’s observation, anankelogy asserts that each other’s needs are objective phenomena experienced subjectively.
Anankelogy further identifies the risk of sociocultural norms, or conventionality, to “drift” [YNT 4.3.] from creating optimal impacts to resulting in less-than-ideal impacts, and then sliding further into damaging impacts. Keeping the story transparent illuminates this structural tendency to slide toward dysfunction.
Transparency is a key value for the public sector. It wouldn’t hurt the private sector to be more transparent about how it impacts the relatively less powerful. Each advocacy campaign holds power accountable to its impacts by displaying it in a meaningful story for all to see. This story about power seeks to turn the use of power toward resolving more needs.
To visibly address each other’s affected needs, the advocacy campaign relies on elements of the monomyth, or hero’s journey. It starts with treating the RI client as the hero to this story, for boldly stepping up and being open to speak their truth to power. Are you ready to become the hero in your own life story?
The hero of each living need-responsive narrative is the RI. Think of this as a David versus Goliath story. But the villain in your story is not the Goliath of Ascribed or Acknowledged Impactors but all the structural barriers in the way of resolving each other’s affected needs.
The qualified AIs become a part of the RI’s team that helps slay this impersonal dragon. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” that have drifted into symfunctionality or worse.
To slay that dragon, the hero must leave the familiarity of their ordinary world to step into an extraordinary world. To fully resolve overlooked needs, the hero leaves the familiarity of the cisconventional realm to enter the more focused transconventional realm.
Cisconventional realm: Accept popular generalizations while continuing to overlook relevant specifics. Settle for easing needs or merely relieving the pain of unmet needs while leaving the unresolved needs to cause more pain. Accept established norms as the way we should all do things. View life through a binary lens, that waters down complex moral issues into simple black-and-white terms. (“Normal or ordinary world”)
Transconventional realm: Question widely accepted generalizations to address missed specifics. Seek to fully resolve the needs prompting each other’s pain, even if this means enduring some discomfort now. Insist that our enforced norms result in more needs resolving and raising our overall functioning. Embrace the nuance in life. Engage the ambiguities in moral issues. Transcend binary terms to connect with the unmet needs on all sides to an issue. (“Special or extraordinary world”)
Along the way, powerful AIs who seemed like adversaries become allies. The hero leads a team that helps the willing AI to test and improve their leadership qualities. The team attests to the AI’s progressing leadership credentials, after measurably demonstrating greater responsiveness to the RI’s cause of overlooked needs.
Tease out the different problem levels behind needs
Advocacy Campaigns
addresses social problems in ways no alternative can.
Human problem levels
An advocacy campaign teases out the layers of a stubborn problem. It goes beyond
Anankelogy recognizes our problems occur on four levels:
1. Personal problem:
An individual can change to solve the problem.
2. Interpersonal problem:
Two of equal social standing get into a conflict.
3. Power problem:
Position of power creates the problem.
4. Structural problem:
Beyond any individual's personal control.
Anankelogy recognizes four levels of human problems, or common challenges. The West’s emphasis on the individual can easily get us fixated on the first level of the individual, tempting us to overlook the many external factors contributing to our many stubborn problems.
1. Personal problems.
The only barrier to resolving some need is within the individual. Once the individual changes it, the problem goes away. Pain dissipates as function improves. If left in place, the individual typically continues to suffer in pain as function declines.
EXAMPLE: You avoid asking for help in your time of need only out of fear of being rejected, but if you do not ask then you will never know if you could have received the needed assistance. Or while still afraid, you test the waters and ask someone for a little help. As they reach out to help you, your discomfort fades and you get back on your feet.
2. Interpersonal problems.
The barrier to resolve needs exists between two or more people of relatively equal social status. Once all sides change what they can, the problem can be solved. Pain goes away as function improves. Otherwise, all sides tend to remain in some level of pain as their ability function remains compromised.
EXAMPLE: You get into an argument with your neighbor about how noisy they get late at night. They complain you leave your windows open so partly blame you for being so sensitive to the noise. You get an air conditioner to keep your windows closed and they turn down their music after 9 PM. Each adjusted to the identified need, which helps to clear up the problem.
3. Power problems.
The barrier to resolve needs stems from someone in a position of power lacking sufficient responsiveness to an affected need, typically the needs of the less powerful. Once this powerholder recognizes the need and makes the necessary change or changes, the problem can be solved. Pain goes away as function improves. Otherwise, the pain persists for the less powerful while their ability to function remains limited. The full potential of the powerholder is also held back, compromising their legitimacy as a leader.
EXAMPLE: Your supervisor at work keeps giving you tasks originally assigned to your coworker. You want to complain, but avoid risking retribution. Your supervisor then explains your coworker is recovering from an invisible injury, who apologizes for not having to shift their workload onto you. After saying you understand, your supervisor requests you receive a raise. The problem takes care of itself.
4. Structural problems.
The barrier to resolve needs exists in the social or cultural structures, beyond any individual’s personal control. Cultural norms or long-standing practices get in the way of fully resolving affected needs. Once the structural barrier gets transformed to be more responsive to the identified needs, the problem can be more easily solved. Pain can subside and allow personal and shared functioning to improve. Otherwise, society itself can remain held back to a lower level of functioning. Addressing such structural barriers typically calls for a sharp level of leadership, which can sort out weak leaders from the worthy ones.
EXAMPLE: A police officer detains you after you wander through a protest that turned violent. You protest that you were not part of the protest, but the officer tells you that he is only doing his job. You are release about an hour later, with a warning to be more aware of the social situation around you. You feel annoyed but thankful things didn’t get any worse, as you are now free to go home.
Create meaningful change with a meaningful story
Advocacy Campaigns
follow the universal cycle of the hero's journey, in 16 planned steps of meaningful change.
The advocacy campaign advocates for the affected needs on all sides.
We seek to transform our understanding of each other's impacted needs by utilizing the power of narrative. The human brain is wired to think in terms of a story.
Living Need-Response Narrative
The advocacy campaign's LNRN cycle
The narrative follows the RI hero as they transition from the normal world of the cisconventional realm to the special world of the transconventional realm.
Normal world: The "cisconventional" realm
The normal world of the cisconventional realm features:
More generalizing than getting to specifics.
More pain-relieving than need-resolving to remove pain.
More reliance on norms than thinking outside of the box.
Perpetuating problems as comfortably familiar situations.
Fighting for power to serve own needs at other's expense.
Motivations more external than internal.
Avoiding hardships, which keeps bringing imminent defeats.
Special world: The "transconventional" realm
The special world of the transconventional realm features:
More getting to specifics than generalizing.
More need-resolving to remove pain than pain-relieving.
More thinking outside of the box than reliance on norms.
Transforming problems into opportunities to resolve needs.
Sharing power to fully resolve each other's affected needs.
Motivations more internal than external.
Meaningful endurance of hardships for imminent victory.
The living need-response narrative exists as a 16-step cycle, illustrated below. Unlike diagrams of the hero’s journey or "monomyth" that you will find online, you will notice this one gets turned 90° to the right. This aligns the cycle with the indigenous growth cycle, which generally starts in the East, or the right 3 o’clock position.
Later, you will see this makes sense for the impact of power on your cycle of psychosocial needs. This also provides context to sorting through the layers of human problems discussed above. Before walking you through each step of this monomyth cycle, see how each step first ties to the hero's journey. Then see how it gets applied to the advocacy campaign.
Steps in the monomyth cycle
Element: The fictional hero’s journey
This section in each entry below introduces you to the story element identified by Joseph Campbell and others. It’s why we stay engrossed in such stories as Star Wars and The Matrix.
Step: Applied to the advocacy campaign
This section applies the monomyth to our journey together resolving needs. It’s why others will become and stay captivated by your living need-responsive narrative.
Step 1: Norm
Ordinary world
As the story starts, you see the hero in their ordinary world. Luke Skywalker is stuck working on a moisture farm for his uncle on Tatooine. Thomas Anderson is stuck living a double life as a hacker likely to lose his daytime job.
Cisconventional realm
You begin your living need-responsive narrative while feeling stuck under circumstances beyond your control. You align with conventional wisdom that you can only change yourself, so must put up with the terrible situation clouding your life. You adjust or acclimate to a life of unmet needs. You settle for a life of quiet desperation.
Step 2: Call
Call to adventure
You see the hero receive some kind of challenge to go above and beyond the usual. The would-be hero is typically less enthusiastic. Their motivation may be too external at this point. Or too selfish to consider their impact on others. Luke is invited by Obi-Wan to join the rebellion by becoming a Jedi. Neo gets invited to follow the white rabbit, and later receives a call from Morpheus.
Call to fully resolve needs
You can’t take the complacency anymore. Something occurs in your living need-responsive narrative to disrupt business as usual. You get some kind of “call” to try to resolve your overlooked need or needs, like a “call to adventure”. You must take charge as it seems no one else will. You feel a call of duty, like you might be the only one who can get this done. At this moment, you feel sure of it.
Step 3: Hesitancy
Refusal of the call
You see the hero have second thoughts about going through with this challenge. Luke insists he must go back to help his uncle. Neo questions himself while trying to escape out on a ledge.
Call to fully resolve needs
You realize answering the call could exact a price you may not be ready to make. Your initial readiness to confront powerholders gets tempered by the reality of your current limitations. Your living need-responsive narrative finds you vacillating between the extremes of avoidance and being adversarial to those in power. Your hesitancy to jump into such a win-lose battle prepares you for or win-win conciliatory alternative.
Step 4: Advocacy
Meet the wise helper
The hero is shaken from complacency by a wise helper. Obi-Wan inspires Luke to explore his greater destiny as a Jedi. Morpheus inspires Neo to find out what the matrix actually is.
Here is where your continuing living need-responsive narrative merges with ours. We guide you to enter a new world of possibilities. We advocate for your vision to resolve the needs you feel called to resolve. We help you break the cycles of extremes. We inspire you with a workable plan to speak your truth to power.
Step 5: Enter
Crossing the threshold
Now the hero boldly steps into the special world. Luke leaves Tatooine with Obi-Wan to get to Alderaan. Neo chooses the red pill and then suddenly wakes up from the matrix.
Enter the extraordinary transconventional realm
Here is where your living need-responsive narrative shifts focus. We initiate you into this special need-resolving world with a simple test of endurance. You reorient yourself to endure discomforts to resolve needs. You let go of generalizations to engage nuance. You transcend temporal barriers to address all the relevant needs in your situation.
You also start with your contact list of those who may take interest in your progressing living need-responsive narrative in real-time. They subscribe to the service for free as “followers” who regularly receive news from you. Later, you will nominate the more engaging followers to be your supporters, who invest in your vision with money and volunteer roles. They become invested coproducers in your living need-responsive narrative. In short, you build up a support team that can also benefit from this.
Step 6: Growth
Belly of the whale
The hero fully leaves the familiar behind and steps deeper into the special world. The hero faces their first real challenge or challenges and often fails. Transformation begins now in earnest, to prepare for the road ahead. Luke starts learning the ways of the force with Obi-Wan. Neo accepts he is “the one” and begins training with Morpheus.
Growth with new skills
We step deeper into transconventionality to let go of trusted generalizations and to replace pain-relieving habits with norm-transcending need-resolving determination. You internalize that you can do this, to courageously speak your truth to power. Your support team tests your character to make sure you can. Together, you prepare yourself to boldly address the relevant needs on all sides.

Step 7: Faceoff
Road of trials, allies, and enemies
The hero gets put to the test, sometimes repeatedly. Luke encounters Darth Vader, who kills Obi-Wan. Neo is relentlessly pursued by agent Smith. The less trustworthy in the team reveal themselves. Han Solo helps only for the money. Cypher betrays the team. A new ally emerges to inspire the hero to reach their goal. Princess Leia inspires Luke to take on the empire. The Oracle inspires Neo to realize his life purpose.
Facing off with your team to improve yourself
Your support team helps you practice speaking truth to power. You match a supporter to each AI, and have them role-play as that AI. They can play devil’s advocate, to ensure you are ready for the real thing. They can help you consider outcomes and objections you may have overlooked. They give you constructive feedback to your rough draft messages for contacting each powerholder.
Most importantly in this step of your living need-responsive narrative, you fully realize the ultimate enemy is not these people in positions of power but structural barriers that prevent you and them from fully resolving needs. Once internalized, your conciliatory approach becomes increasingly irresistible to these powerholders. You soon realize you’re finally ready to speak this deeper truth to power.
Step 8: Approach
Approach to the most innermost cave
The hero draws closer to the edge of the impending ordeal. There’s little room for failure now, so the hero better be ready for the danger ahead. After the Death Star destroys Alderaan, Luke and the others enter this behemoth weapon of terror. The Oracle warns Neo that he or Morpheus will die from the choices he makes.
Approach to speaking truth to power
You draft your final message to send to each identified powerholder. If no one on your team objects or finds room for improvement, you give these to the service to pass along for you. Before forwarding your messages, we notify each powerholder to alert them that a change is afoot. See a sample notification here.
The service contacts each powerholder with news of a revolutionary kind of leadership development support. You could say this softens up the target for your initial contact in the next step, so it does not land like some cold call. They can anticipate your initial call. In fact, this step is the “norm” in each powerholder’s forthcoming narrative of need-resolving change. Your “ordeal” speaking truth to power is their “call to leadership” to listen to those impacted.
Each contacted powerholder will respond in their own way, according to their capacity and willingness to support the hero's cause. We anticipate most if not all will remain hesitant at first, which becomes their "hesitancy" step when refusing this call for greater leadership.
Step 9: Ordeal
Ordeal, death, and rebirth
The hero faces the most challenging circumstance so far. It typically challenges the hero’s assumptions. After helping to rescue Leia, Luke sees Obi-Wan killed by Darth Vader. Neo and the others get ambushed by agents in the matrix.
Ordeal of speaking truth to power
You finally make contact with powerholders impacting your needs. You assess their responsiveness to your expressed needs widely shared with others. You challenge them to improve their leadership qualities, ready to provide social proof of their responsiveness. Or testimony of any disappointing reactions or neglect.
Once you contact powerholders, we go live with this living need-responsive narrative. Your interactions with powerholders remain transparent. Together, we draft press releases to send to relevant media outlets and interested podcasters. In the extraordinary world of this transconventional realm, legitimate power impacting the needs of the vulnerable holds no legitimate secrets. clinging to opacity can cost powerholders their assumed legitimacy.
Step 10: Atone
Atonement with past
The hero recognizes past mistakes in the ordinary world and now comes to terms with it. Luke learns to accept that Obi-Wan is really gone and finds his connection with the force growing stronger. Neo blames himself for Morpheus’ s capture and renters the matrix to rescue him.
Atone power to impacted needs
The more you inspire powerholders to listen to those impacted, the deeper you connect with your untapped potential. You see how you resolve more needs more fully with the active support of powerful others.
Or you find yourself in the uncomfortable but necessary position of sorting out bad leaders. You help society weed out those who stubbornly prevent us from resolving our needs. Along the way, you may inspire emerging leaders to proactively address structural problems.
Step 11: Apotheosis
Apotheosis or resurrection
The hero goes through a life-or-death metamorphosis. The results bring the hero closer to the ultimate goal. Luke hears Obi-Wan encourage him to trust the force, which he does and destroys the Death Star. Neo almost dies at the hands of the agents, but with Trinity’s love and trust that he is the one, he revives and defeats the agents.
Reborn as effective need-resolver
Your past reliance on conventional generalizations to ease pain gets finally crushed. You learn to embrace the discomforts of resolving needs. You learn to transcend divisive generalizations and any conventional opposites to more fully resolve needs.
You avow to each contacted powerholder that you will now pursue every legitimate means available to resolve the identified needs, with or without their support. Your example either incentivizes their support or gives them good reason to make room for more effective leaders.
Step 12: Reward
Reward, or ultimate boon
The hero gains something special for all their efforts, to take back to the ordinary world. Luke realizes he has the force within him, to become the Jedi he is meant to be for the rebellion. Neo realizes that he is indeed “the one” as Morpheus claimed, so he can manipulate the matrix to bend to his will for the benefit of others.
Add powerholders to social capital
You gain a pioneering type of authority, and that is the anakelogically recognized authority of resolved needs. You realize all legitimate authority only exists to resolve needs, and any claim to power that fails to effectively resolve needs is merely coercive illegitimate force.
You bestow or withhold legitimacy on powerholders with your newfound organic authority. You reach some satisfactory level of your campaign goal. You earn the right to advocate for each other’s impacted needs. You may soon be in high demand to help others similarly situated.
You avow to resolve the needs of your passionate cause with or without their support. You publicly declare your liberty to freely and fully resolve those needs as any responsive leader would. See the example below.
Step 13: Return
Return to the ordinary world
The hero must now find their way back to the ordinary world. They typically bestow onto others what they gained in the special or extraordinary world. Luke gives new energy to the rebellion as an emerging Jedi warrior. Neo gives hope to others that they break free from the matrix without threat from the agents.
Return to cisconventional realm
You step back into your conventional life. Your familiar friends may not adequately understand your transconventional journey. They may try to pull you back into comforting overgeneralizations, and settle for the quiet desperation of symfunctional or dysfunctional survival.
But now you carry the responsibility of modeling a better way to those in higher positions of authority than you. Your consistency to proactively resolve needs, with endured short-term discomforts and messy nuance, could attract more powerholders. You stay true to your new energized self.
Step 14: Mastery
Mastery of two worlds
The hero develops competencies in both the ordinary and extraordinary worlds. Luke continues as a humble Jedi warrior. Neo humbly accepts that he is “the one” as he comfortably moves between the matrix and the real world.
Competency in both transcon and ciscon realms
The more you integrate specifics in your decision-making, and embrace the sharp pain when first alerted to a triggered need, the easier it is to trust your resulting emotions. By cultivating new routines to more fully resolve needs, you can encounter the benefits of the transconventional realm after sliding back into the ordinary world of the cisconventional realm.
This time, you enjoy a growing social circle of the powerful. Granted, you may alienate a few powerful folks who are unwilling to appreciate your vision. But the more you demonstrably resolve needs over settling for perpetuating pain, the more you brand yourself in ways that will protect you from the reactive. You become too much of a champion for both the vulnerable people and the compassionate powerful for haters to mess with.
Step 15: Empower
Return with the elixir
The hero brings back what they gained to others in need. Luke brings back the power of the force for good. Neo brings back the powerful knowledge that the matrix can be transcended by deeper awareness of a greater reality.
Goal supported by powerholders
You show others this more effective way to address and resolve needs. You offer a more attractive alternative to adversarial justice, or to divisive politics or some other way you transcend the symfunctional status quo to inspire more of us to pursue need-resolving peakfunctionality.
Together with your team, you vouch for the reputation of AI leadership. You provide social proof with a testimonial of their stellar leadership when they effectively respond to your cause. And can measurably help resolve affected needs. You rate leadership quality along three main degrees:
Minimal standard reached, ceases doing any harm.
Competitive standard, when addressing more of the needs than others.
Transformative standard reached, when transforming social structures.
Or together with your team, you deny any leadership credentials to those with substandard responsiveness, who continue presenting a threat to the vulnerable in need. You spread awareness that power isn't really power unless it resolves needs.

from substandard
to standard leadership
from minimal standard
to competitive leadership
from competitive
to transformative leadership
Step 16: Resolve
Resolution or denouement
The hero or others, sometimes the narrator, wraps up any loose ends in the story. Sometimes this closure utilizes humor. Just about every Star Trek original series episode closed with a humorous or lighthearted point. This can counter the heaviness in the preceding plot. Luke and the others are celebrated as smiling heroes at the end. Neo speaks his truth to the diminished power of the agents, offering a fresh vision for moving forward in life without their domineering presence. Sometimes this post-climatic closing plants seeds for a sequel.
Need-resolving expands as a reachable standard
You are now ready to move on with your life with a new way of seeing things. You help establish a higher standard to hold the powerful accountable to their objective impact on our needs.
Rince and repeat
Or perhaps you have some unfinished business. You know more powerholders to reach with this need-resolving vision. Maybe you are just getting started on a longer journey of advocacy campaigns. You can repeat this cycle to reach more lives, and to more fully resolve needs. There is now plenty more love to go around.
Identify and address each other's affected needs
Advocacy Campaigns
goes beyond personal change to mutually cultivate necessary social change.
Psychosocial needs cycle
The advocacy campaign seeks to balance everyone's impacted psychosocial needs. Needs can fully resolve when free to be self-sufficent and receive help from others when necessary.
By psychosocial needs, we mean self-needs and social-needs.
E.g., autonomy, self-sufficiency, solitude, personal agency, self-initiative, personal space, and privacy.
E.g., companionship, social supports, cooperation, friendship, inclusion, belonging, and group cohesion.
Anankelogy demonstrates how nature pulls us naturally through phases to address these needs. Unlike cisconventional options that typically work against the power of nature, the advocacy campaign works along with this natural oscillation to address and resolve each one's affected psychosocial needs.
1. Interdependency needs
Every relationship starts with an initial encounter with each other. With those of equal social standing, you generally enjoy more options to shape the relationship than with those with positions of power.
Once empowered to resolve needs, you can more effectively renew your relationships, or enter more wholly into new relationships. Instead of settling for coping with the pain of unmet needs, you can forge social bonds to intentionally resolve needs. You can cultivate a norm for the higher standard of fully resolve needs. You can stay more open to each call to identify and address overlooked needs.
2. Dependency needs
Your odds of successfully speaking truth to power alone is low. We build social supports to back up you up. This phase emphasizes service to your dependency needs.
Your need to consider the impact of your actions on others prompts your hesitancy. Signing up for this advocacy meets your social need for guidance. Once initiated into this more need-responsive alternative, you enter to resolve your social need for social supports. Your social need for growth gets a boost from your emerging support team.
3. Counterdependency needs
Once you grow from your social supports, this phase focuses on your need to apply what you have learned. You harvest your skills to now speak your truth to power. You can step away from familiar supports to address these less familiar powerholders.
You step away from your support team after they inspired you to faceoff the AI you identified. You courageously approach them on your own. You invest all you’ve gained to boldly go through the ordeal of speaking truth to power. Mostly on your own, you atone or compel powerholders to aspire to better leadership outcomes.
4. Independency needs
You gain a unique sense of your identity in ways you likely never did before. You can now resolve needs more effectively, with or without these powerholders. You stand stronger alone, as you feel yourself mastering your fate more independently than ever before.
You die to your old identity that was pulled too far into symfunctionality, as you embrace the reward of knowing how to more effectively pursue your peakfunctional potential. You return to your familiar loved ones with your newfound mastery to resolve needs.
"So what's this going to cost?"
Advocacy Campaigns
spread the costs as investment opportunities for shared problem solving.
Costs of this service
Users of the service are billed both for the subscription on a weekly basis and for individual support sessions as they occur. Unless otherwise noted, payment is prior to the delivery of the service. Ten percent goes to the Saybackr.org nonprofit platform. Value Relating is a for-profit service provider on this unique platform.
The service typically gets started by the RI as the initiating client. Team members then come on board, including investing supporters. Engaging AIs eventually add to the mix.
Initiating client
This service presumes the client’s earning potential has likely been compromised by the very power relations and social structures it seeks to help correct. The RI client gets the option to start for little to no upfront costs.
This service is almost always initiated by the RI with a “cause” to resolve a specific power-impacted need experienced widely by others in similar powerless situations. The initiating RI has three options for starting the campaign, each with varying costs and benefits.
1. Campaign Starter
The RI hero starts for free and can continue without paying anything. However, they will likely have little to no autonomy. Until they can put some skin in the game, decisions are held largely by those covering most of the costs. This includes the service provider (e.g., Value Relating) becoming the chief decision maker in the campaign and receiving most of the revenue from investing AIs. It is the service provider’s discretion to provide regular support sessions at a discount or without cost, based on the potential ROI opportunities.
2. Campaign Leader
The RI hero subscribes to Value Relating for $7.95 per week as the Campaign Leader. The effective CL inspires enough of their followers to weekly invest as paying supporters. When properly done, this covers the cost of the service subscription and the regular support sessions, potentially with money left over to cover other campaign expenses. Investing supporters receive a ROI from subscribing AIs.
3. Campaign Champion
The RI hero covers all costs of the early campaign on their own. This can run about $240 per week when counting the cost of the service subscription and weekly regular support sessions. To attract investing supporters, the RI may have to negotiate a higher share of some of the potential ROI.
Support team
Once the RI hero gets under way with the campaign, they invite others to be involved in their unfolding living need-responsive narrative. To ensure the campaign’s success, they build a support team from their social capital. Typically, they first invite their friends and family to “follow” their developments. The more engaged followers can upgrade as investing supporters and patrons, to help cover the campaign’s costs.
1. Followers - free.
Followers regularly receive updates from the RI hero, to follow the progress of the campaign. They are the first to follow the living need-responsives narrative as it occurs live. They can offer their feedback, but have not vote on how to shape the story. For that, they can upgrade to a supporter.
2. Supporters - $2.95 per week.
For cheaper than the cost of a cup of coffee, supporters invest in the RI’s story. They have some say on how the story unfolds. Some may role play as the AI to help the RI prepare and build the courage to speak their truth to power. Supporters coproduce this narrative and help the team reach the goal of the cause.
3. Patrons - matching $ per week.
AIs agreeing to join the team to improve their responsiveness and earn credentials as a competive leader agree to match the current level of weekly contributions. This role remains under development, and likely shaped by early users of the service.
Together, the RI hero’s support team help bear the costs of the campaign, starting with service subscriptions and regular support sessions. Once these are billed to the RI, the remainder of the revenue is at the team’s discretion to use toward the campaign cause.
The option of outside sponsors is a possibility, who regularly contribute in exchange for some of the benefits from supporting the noble cause. This too remains under development and will depend largely on the earlier users of this service.
Identified impactors (AIs)
These powerholders potentially receive the most benefit from this service, so they naturally bear a higher cost. To avoid accusations of extortion, the entry level is free to all contacted AIs. (NOTE: This service excludes four conditions necessary for a legal basis for extortion, including the fact the powerholder is already exacting something of value from the coerced RI client.) At a minimum, the contacted AI is to concede their coercive pressures negatively impacting the RI and the similarly situated, or risk adversarial consequences.
1. Standard leadership - free.
Contacted AIs are not charged when simply acknowledging our attempts to improve their responsiveness to a standard level. If agreeing to meet the agreeable minimal standard of removing any harm, and avoiding the likely costs if we had to resort to our adversarial rights, the AI is freely credentialed as meeting a professional standard of leadership.
If the identified impactor ceases to be complicit with their objectively measurable harm, the support team may vote by consensus to censure the AI. This includes those AI who refuse to reply to our repeated attempts to address their harmful impacts on our client. The campaign first provides every opportunity within a reasonable time for the AI to demonstrating a minimal degree of leadership competency.
EXAMPLE: The RI initially contacts three powerholders affecting their life. The first welcomes the process and agrees to remove what threatens the RI. The second AI refuses to admit to presenting any threat to the RI, so the campaign questions the legitimacy of this AI’s further interaction with the RI hero, and then draws up a list of options to enforce a necessary separation. The third AI also agrees to remove the identified threat, but must work with others in authority to fully remove the threat.
2. Competitive leadership - match team’s weekly contribution.
Contacted AIs are offered the opportunity to go beyond mere harm reduction. The campaign incentivizes them to compete for the team’s social proof to vouch for the AI’s improving leadership qualities. They go beyond simply removing any threat to address the RI client’s affected needs and others similarly situated.
Each contacted AI receives the opportunity to match the current weekly team contribution. In exchange, the receive active support to improve their responsiveness to the identified needs—not merely for the RI but for others similarly situated. The more the AI objectively meets measurable criteria, the higher their leadership is credentialed.
EXAMPLE: If the RI has twenty investing supporters each contributing $2.95 weekly, then the AI seeking to earn the credentials of competitive leadership agrees to contribute $59 each week. The cost to each added AI can potentially double the previous level. If the campaign qualifies for doubling, the next AI contributes $118, and the next after that contributes $236, for a new weekly total of $472. These become patrons to the cause, with the interest of earning credit for helping to team to reach the goal of the RI’s cause.
3. Transformative leadership - highest bidder.
Contacted AIs have opportunity to address structural barriers to address the identified needs. They create change by working with others in authority impacting the needs. The campaign can support them to effectively transform these social structures, to enable all to more freely resolve the identified needs. The AI could emerge as the leading authority to address this situation of such vulnerable needs.
The first AI expressing interest in this leadership opportunity simply matches the current level of the team’s weekly support amount. If more than one AI seeks to arise as the top leader in this cause, bidding starts at the current level of the team’s weekly support and goes to the highest bidder. This option remains under development. And this may not even occur in the first round of the RI’s living need-responsive narrative but in a later reiteration or sequel to the first campaign cycle.
EXAMPLE: One of the AI’s in the campaign agrees to take a lead in addressing relevant structural barriers. They raise their weekly contribution to equal the current level. It is understood by all that the increased revenue goes mostly to cover incurred costs of addressing structural barriers. If another AI seeks to compete for this role, they first must demonstrate they can create better results than the previous transformative AI and can match the current level of the team’s weekly contribution. How this process occurs also remains under development and is open to early user input.
The service provider retains the revenue gathered and administers it according to agreed upon terms and sound accounting principles. Any impropriety can be reported to the Saybackr.org platform to investigate and help the team resolve any issues. This too remains under development, and is open to user inputs to ensure integrity of the whole process.
Each campaign is hosted by the Saybackr.org platform. That too is still in pilot mode. The Saybackr platform takes 15.125% from each payment to cover its costs.
$2.95 x 15.125% = $0.45, which leaves $2.50 for each supporter to support the direct costs of the campaign.
A minimum of 40 investing supporters can sustain a campaign. That is enough to cover the weekly cost of $75 for the 50-minute ADVOCACY online sessions.
$7.95 x 15.125% = $1.20, which leaves $6.75 of the campaign leader's weekly contribution to help cover the ongoing costs of the campaign.
Twofold Campaign
As the powerless gain courage to speak truth to power, the powerholders gain vital branding data when they listen to those impacted. Each side needs the other. Advocacy campaigns make sure powerholders need the powerless more than the powerless need powerholders. Hopefully, you can see this in each step of the campaign.
Subscription Options
Option 1: CAMPAIGN leader
Lead this campaign as the living narrative hero. Direct the team inspired by your passionate and noble cause to resolve an overlooked need. Be the empowering shot caller for only $7.95 per week.
Option 2: CAMPAIGN follower
Join the campaign to follow the story of overlooked innocence. Witness officials respond to the hidden problem of wrongful convictions, in real-time. Free, but could be asked to donate from time to time.
Option 3: CAMPAIGN supporter
Help shape this living narrative. See firsthand how this can apply to your passionate cause. Invest in the campaign with a $2.95 per week commitment. A minimum of 40 can sustain a campaign.
If you have any questions or any interest in this, please contact me. I'd love to hear from you.
You NEED This
Introducing Anankelogy, the Study of Need
This service applies anankelogy, the study of need. Learn more about anankelogy from You NEED This, Introducing anankelogy, the study of need. You can get your own copy here.