Who really knows what you really need? How can they know?
1,135 words Your needs receive attention on many levels. The more resolved your needs, the less suffering in these various levels. Your...

Dive deep into what you actually need, suffer less anguish
902 words Your needs point to an object. They point to some resource to relieve or resolve the need. Nature-based anakelogy, illustrates...

You feel it before you know it
1,139 words Your needs point to an object. They point to some resource to relieve or resolve the need. Nature-based anakelogy illustrates...

Your feelings linger, but why for so long? Here’s why.
1,578 words Your needs resolve instantly or they linger. Emotions convey this duration. Besides direction, focus and intensity level,...

You lose more focus the less your needs resolve
758 words Your intense emotions provide more than just focus. They include a matter of degree. It’s one thing to quench your thirst as...