EIF Aim #12
EIF aim #12: To correct overemphasis upon individuals by balancing focus between violent individuals and systems of violence.

EIF Aim #11
Eleventh of a dozen aims for the Estimated Innocence Form. To enforce accountability for public safety outcomes and impacts with a more...

EIF Aim #10
EIF aim #10: To collect data to identify patterns contributing to wrongful convictions, that can then be used to inform relevant policies.

EIF Aim #9
EIF aim #9: To identify the scope of the unexonerated problem in order to attract resources to keep keep pace with addressing the problem.

EIF Aim #8
EIF aim #8: To identify and address all affected needs impacted by the adversarial criminal judicial process.

EIF Aim #7
EIF aim #7: To raise the standard of justice from a failed win-lose binary to identifying degrees of certainty in adjudicated outcomes.

EIF Aim #6
EIF aim #6: To increase the transparency of the process to identify and clear innocent prisoners and other wrongly convicted.

EIF Aim #5
EIF aim #5: To improve the efficiency of innocence projects, and others in the innocence movement, to process numerous innocence claims.

EIF Aim #4
EIF aim #4: To springboard investigations into overlooked justice needs, such as identifying the actual perpetrator.

EIF Aim #3
EIF aim #3: To provide claimants with independent verification of their acclaimed innocence.