Are you feeling good, or bad? Here’s simply why.
641 words Your emotions provide direction. Good or bad. When something goes your way you naturally feel good. Right? When things go...

Rules impersonally convey needs, but do they help resolve yours?
1,990 words Is it better to conform to every given rule? Or better to question given rules that fall short in some way? Perhaps that’s a...

Are you more oriented to remove pain or relieve pain?
1,190 words Everyone deals with their painful needs in a particularly oriented way. How are you oriented? Easement orientation Anakelogy...

4 emotions that keep us from falling off the deep end
Your psychosocial emotional guardians run the show, not any ideology. They keep you from falling off the deep end of utter despair. You shar

Feeling depressed? Get redirected
By recognizing the problem of misdirection, we can better appreciate redirection as a natural response to a need.

Respecting your cultural needs. And theirs.
We certainly can choose to respect each other’s needs. Disrespecting each other’s needs in the name of politics pulled us into this mess. Yo

Understanding your needs
Everybody speaks on something near and dear to your heart. But none of them really get to the point. It can almost feel like they’re talking

Introducing Value Relating, a pioneering psychosocial support service
840 words "It's not your fault" is not only a memorable line from Good Will Hunting, it could serve as the motto for Value Relating, this...

What shall we call it?
314 words A whole new academic field is afoot. And you can help name it. This new field studies need experience, or the experience of...