You can classify a power differential by its “intent”
1.032 words Power needs consent. Fueled by intent. “What’s the point speaking my truth to power,” you may wonder, “if they have the power...

It’s not extortion if you’re already being extorted
865 words Let’s call it “contra-extortion” to avoid confusing it with the real thing. Appearances can be deceiving “Isn’t that...

This time you’ve gone too far! Introducing “contra-conflict”
1,556 words You can be against something so intensely that you end up being for it. What you passionately resist you passively reinforce....

Your psychosocial needs govern you far more than laws
1,125 words Your need others to respect what you need. As you need to respect your own. Dealing honestly with both is often the elephant...

4 emotions that keep us from falling off the deep end
Your psychosocial emotional guardians run the show, not any ideology. They keep you from falling off the deep end of utter despair. You shar

Polarization No More
“The sunna of Mohammed says that Muslims must be punished for leaving Islam. Do you agree with this?" OR Trump took advantage of tax la