We’re all equally in trouble. Because nobody is perfect.
1,474 words Making better choices is only half of it. The other half? Others making better choices with and toward you. Quick review...

You need others, except when you don’t
960 words One moment you want to be closer. Then you want to be alone. Something wrong? No, it’s all quite natural. Nature-based...

Your psychosocial needs govern you far more than laws
1,125 words Your need others to respect what you need. As you need to respect your own. Dealing honestly with both is often the elephant...

4 emotions that keep us from falling off the deep end
Your psychosocial emotional guardians run the show, not any ideology. They keep you from falling off the deep end of utter despair. You shar

Feeling depressed? Get redirected
By recognizing the problem of misdirection, we can better appreciate redirection as a natural response to a need.

Respecting your cultural needs. And theirs.
We certainly can choose to respect each other’s needs. Disrespecting each other’s needs in the name of politics pulled us into this mess. Yo

Understanding your needs
Everybody speaks on something near and dear to your heart. But none of them really get to the point. It can almost feel like they’re talking

Political differences as explained to a 7-yr old
Sometimes it takes a wise grandparent to see these things more clearly. Sometimes it takes the nimble views of a child to spur us all to rel

3 pivots for escaping political polarization. Wanna give ‘em a try?
Politics can serve as a bridge only when every voice is heard and every need gets respected. Including yours.

5 degrees of relating value (or what’s painfully missing in our political discourse)
When I focus on your needs to see how I can help ease them, I am relating my value to you. We’ll call this positive value relating. When I d