This time you’ve gone too far! Introducing “contra-conflict”
1,556 words You can be against something so intensely that you end up being for it. What you passionately resist you passively reinforce....

7 confessions of a “sexual deviant” & countdown to its fallout
4,150 words I deviate from many sexual norms. But not in the way you may think. I live an irony of ironies. While having little to no...

Transcending incredible amounts of pain since 1993
1,210 words Pain exists to report trouble. Removing trouble removes pain. Life has been much easier for me since learning that back in...

To fix some problems you gotta break some rules
980 words Rules impersonally convey needs. What if an impersonal law fails to convey a personal need? While no one sits above the law,...

From transphobic prosecution to wrongful conviction to a viable alternative
1,241 words I am not a sex offender, but the state likes to think I am. That must change, by any means necessary. For coming out, I was...

Okay, Maybe There Are Only Two Genders
975 words A conservative backlash to the demands of gender diversity asserts there can only be two genders. Okay, I’ll concur: only two...