On a scale from 1 to 10, how much—ahhhhhhh!
1,114 words Your emotions provide intensity, a sense of urgency. Must have it now? Whatever you feel about Donald Trump’s presidency, or...

Are you feeling good, or bad? Here’s simply why.
641 words Your emotions provide direction. Good or bad. When something goes your way you naturally feel good. Right? When things go...

Rules impersonally convey needs, but do they help resolve yours?
1,990 words Is it better to conform to every given rule? Or better to question given rules that fall short in some way? Perhaps that’s a...

Why do we toss our gold out with the garbage?
1,435 words When you punish those transcending the very divisive norms keeping you locked in pain, you punish yourself. Looking beyond...

Your psychosociotherapeutic "cause"
274 words This all starts with your cause. Your “cause” is to resolve your painful need in a way that benefits others, creating...

From transphobic prosecution to wrongful conviction to a viable alternative
1,241 words I am not a sex offender, but the state likes to think I am. That must change, by any means necessary. For coming out, I was...

Liberate yourself from "poverty"
395 words You are worth more than anything you owe. So shift that attitude from bills to pay to what your life is meant to do for others....

Respecting your cultural needs. And theirs.
We certainly can choose to respect each other’s needs. Disrespecting each other’s needs in the name of politics pulled us into this mess. Yo

Understanding your needs
Everybody speaks on something near and dear to your heart. But none of them really get to the point. It can almost feel like they’re talking

Political differences as explained to a 7-yr old
Sometimes it takes a wise grandparent to see these things more clearly. Sometimes it takes the nimble views of a child to spur us all to rel