3 pivots for escaping political polarization. Wanna give ‘em a try?
Politics can serve as a bridge only when every voice is heard and every need gets respected. Including yours.

5 degrees of relating value (or what’s painfully missing in our political discourse)
When I focus on your needs to see how I can help ease them, I am relating my value to you. We’ll call this positive value relating. When I d

Introducing Value Relating, a pioneering psychosocial support service
840 words "It's not your fault" is not only a memorable line from Good Will Hunting, it could serve as the motto for Value Relating, this...

11 Inspirational Facebook Pages, For Our Clients and For Ourselves
| #035 | VALUE > psychosocial > inspirational | 1070 words | Between sessions it may help to counter the adverse impacts of daily life...
New Counseling Demand Meeting New Counseling Supply
| #034 | VALUE > psychosocial | 668 words | As the job market improves and counseling positions become increasingly available to freshly...

Truth Remains the First Casualty in the War on Drugs
| #031 | EXPRESSION > lyric > | 28 lines | My focus as a counselor is to unpack the sociopolitical conditions behind many of our...

Do You Agree or Disagree?
| #023 | VALUE > transconventional | 902 words | Sometimes it’s good to simply agree to disagree. Sometimes, however, we can agree to...

Security Clause is Coming Around
| #021 | EXPRESSION > humor > holiday | 324 words | As he sat at his computer one Christmas Eve, a father propped his precocious young...

What Is a Cisspirit? What Is a Transspirit?
| #020 | VALUE > conventionality | 950 words | I've always identified with the misfits. I try to be the fixer of situations and I...

Befriending Pain In a Most Unlikely Place
| #017 | EXPRESSION > war stories > | 1,106 words | Is pain necessarily a bad thing? Do you regard pain as some foe to be avoided or...