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Are you more cisspirit or transspirit?



1.    I often feel like a misfit.

DISGREE?  In our social identities, cisspirits tend to fit in more with social expectations and readily feel affirmed with full group inclusion.


AGREE?  Transspirits tend to defy social norms, often feeling they do not adequately fit in with their groups.


2.    I generally follow the rules.

AGREE?  Cisspirits tend to respect the rules as key for cooperative living, essential for getting things done.


DISAGREE?  Transspirits tend to see rules as constructed for some but not all situations, occasionally to be defied to resolve some deeper need.


3.    I'm often generous without worrying what I'll get in return.

DISAGREE?  Cisspirits typically keep track of what they give to whom, to pragmatically keep balance with the resources they receive.


AGREE?  Transspirits risk being exploited for their generosity, as they generally do not signal some return is in order.


4.    It's important to take a stance and not sit on the fence.

AGREE?  Cisspirits emphasize the need to settle an issue by acting promptly without avoiding the discomfort of conflict.


DISAGREE?  Transspirits consider at least some value in each expressed side, to ensure all matters are addressed for a sustainable solution.


5.    I feel a deep connection with all life.

DISAGREE?  Cisspirits are inclined to feel more pragmatically connected with their group members than abstractly with all life.


AGREE?  Transspirits intuitively experience harm to another as ultimately harm to oneself, as all being spiritually connected.


6.    Prompt relief is essential when responding to problems.

AGREE?  Cisspirits focus more on prompt relief, for easing intolerable pain from mounting problems.


DISAGREE?  Transspirits focus more on long-term resolve, for getting to the root that causes many problems in the first place.


7.    I delay decisions until I have all the facts.

DISAGREE?  Cisspirits are inclined to act provisionally toward some need, if only to avoid harm from further inaction.


AGREE?  Transspirits are inclined to endure immediate hardships with anticipation of more enduring resolutions.


8.    Most people are stupid and/or closed minded.

AGREE?  Cisspirits may instantly categorize people in sweeping generalities according to how they perceive them relating to their needs.


DISAGREE?  Transspirits tend to perceive such people as more complex than available categories can contain.


9.    I see some value in all sides to an issue.

DISAGREE?  Cisspirits will tend to gravitate to the position in an issue that best supports their group.


AGREE?  Transspirits intuitively realize some merit in all given positions, even if only affirming the inherent value in each speaker.


10.  I see myself as more pragmatic than idealistic.

AGREE?  Cisspirits are generally drawn toward what is more practical for getting things done as problems persist.


DISAGREE?  Transspirits are generally drawn toward creating enduring solutions that can prevent problems from recurring.






"Spirit" speaks of those who are wholly one way or the other. But there are always exceptions. Instead of a "spirit" identity that some may find confining, the adjectives "cisconventional" and "transconventional" are more flexibly applicable. One can be cisconventional in one aspect while transconventional in another. And somewhere in between in other aspects.


Scores may indicate you respond to some needs more cisconventionally than others, while responding to others more transconventionally. Especially if your scall falls in the midrange, somewhere between 5 and 25, definitely if between 10 and 20.


Life is generally more complex than this simple tool can capture. This is intended more as a kind of litmus test, to provide some sense on why some of us seek to get things done by the given rules of society while others tend to pursue long-term resolutions often cutting against the social grain.


The actual difference between cisspirit and transspirit, or cisconventional and transconventional, mqy be more arbitrary than this survey can test. So please keep that in mind when you try to understand how the score could be applicable to your situation.


More informatiion is available here.

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