Unique consulting
Our structured model is called "psychosociotherapy." Instead of changing individuals, as with psychotherapy, we give tools for clients to change the power relationships they find themselves in.
We see these power relations (or power differentials, or power imbalances) through the lens of our Impact Parity Model. See how it works to serve your power-impacted needs.
Your wellness is psychosocial
You can book a session to set your own agenda. Or you can try out unique psychosociotherapeutic process. Anankelogy, the study of need, informs us how wellness is psychosocial, and not merely psychological.
Psychosociotherapy is part of need-response, a new field to complement (or compete) with law enforcement. “While no one sits above the law, no law sits above the needs it exists to serve.”
By going above and beyond the minimal harm-reduction standards of the law, we aim to resolve needs to improve lives and communities. With one need-resolving act of love at a time.
Something for both sides
Our “power balancing” and “power coaching” consulting could be called psychosocial counseling, to coin a phrase. What other service do you know that exists to even out power relations to ensure both sides respond better to each other’s impacted needs?
We're not content to ease your pain. We want to remove its cause.
Consulting to bring all sides of a conflict together.
Consulting to fully resolve needs behind conflicts.
Consulting to replace hate with acts of love.
Who doesn’t need more of that?
Value Relating applies our new need-resolving model in 3 areas:
Post-polarizing political consulting, we call Value Politics.
Post-adversarial justice consulting, we call Value Justice.
Post-alienating eldercare consulting, we call Value Seniors.
We look forward to helping you resolve your needs in one of these areas. We look forward to hearing from you if interested in growing our service offerings.

Value Relating consulting levels
Value Relating offers you consulting along three progressing levels.
Guide. Your hired consultant serves you in the role as a tutor. To walk you through the interactive tool with an educational focus.
Support. Your hired consultant serves you as your personal coach. To guide you in applying the tool to your particular situation.
Advocacy. Your hired consultant serves you as your private advocate. To stand with you through the challenges you and others face.
Each service anchors to an interactive tool designed specially to address your specific needs. For now, we provide each tool as an Excel spreadsheet you can download right here. These interactive tools are always free.
Value Relating features time-based consulting services. Talk to us if you need to go beyond time-based services and seek to hire us by the project. We can shape a service contract to fit your specific situational needs.
How can our consulting services best serve your under-served needs?
Who is this for?
You are someone without any political authority. Politically speaking, you are an impactee.
You are a disillusioned voter.
You are an independent voter.
You tire of partisan tribalism.
You are a political activist.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning about this unique understanding of politics, and you have no influence in political circles.
You are someone with some political influence. Politically speaking, you are an impactor.
You are a politician.
You are a political pundit.
You are a media outlet.
You are a local official.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning about this unique understanding of politics, and you have some influence in political matters.
Harmony Politics
You can change your opinions, but can you change what you need? What if political opinions serve to guard your vulnerable difference in needs? While guarded, can you ever resolve those needs?
Yes, we can disagree about each other’s views. But how can we disagree with each other’s needs? Harmony Politics affirms the inflexible needs behind your politics. It does not expect you to change your needs to fit someone else’s different priority of needs. It dares to put love over bitter divisiveness.
Download it
After downloading this free interactive tool and pouring through its trailblazing content, you will understand political differences better than any political pundit. Try it and find out for yourself.
Indeed, you may want to ask me some burning questions. I look forward to answering them. Prior to booking a session, and while slots remain open, your first session is free for the asking.
Book it
Book a session with me, to squeeze as much as you can from this post-polarizing insight. No matter what your political outlook, your views are okay with me. Really.
Harmony Politics illuminates the needs on all political sides. As the founder of anankelogy, the study of need, no one understands your experience of needs better than me. No, really.
Ask me
Before booking a session, you likely have some questions. Before committing your time and resources, I want to be sure you this service fits your needs.
I look forward to answering any questions or concerns, to help you decide if this is a good fit for you. Send me an an email and I will get answer you as promptly as I can. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Value Politics intro
Harmony Politics
If not ready to dive in, we provide you a brief introductory session. Ask me anything about Harmony Politics, or politics in general.
You text me up to 15 minutes with SMS. We only charge you $25. With a 10% deposit, you only pay $2.50 up front.
Let me know this service is not for you and end the call before the 15 minutes, and you only pay the $2.50. Book by 9/1/2020 with the coupon in the book description, and you only pay the deposit for the full session.
If this service fills a need, consider our full service options below.
Full service options
Value Relating offers three progressing levels of service.
Start out only texting me for some guidance with the HP tool.
You can then decide to video chat with me for support.
Finally, we host a group meeting online to advocate for you, or for others.
Check out our How it works page to explore this unique approach to consulting. Then book a session so we can get to work solving problems by resolving needs.
Learning Harmony Politics
Sessions depend on the power level of those who attend them.
Half-hour SMS or chat app.
Weekly or as needed.
$75/half-hour full price.
Available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from overused rational-voter narrative to asserting a different priorities of needs using Harmony Politics.
Half-hour SMS or chat app.
Weekly or as needed.
$75/half-hour full price. Available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from outmoded rational-voter narrative to appeal to different priorities of needs using Harmony Politics.
First of three stages of our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which changes power imbalances to resolve one another's impacted needs.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.
One hour 1-on-1 online video.
Weekly or as available.
$150/hour full price.
Available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about our available discounts.
To replace political generalizing with insights for relating directly to different need-priorities using Harmony Politics.
One hour 1-on-1 online video.
Weekly or as available.
$150/hour full price.
Available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about investment opportunities.
To replace political generalizing with strategies for relating directly to diverse politicized needs using Harmony Politics.
Second of three stages for the psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can transform power relations into resources for resolving more of one another’s needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.
Winning with Harmony Politics
Two-hour online group video.
Weekly or as agreed.
$300/hour full price.
Available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactors investing in covering this cost.
Potentially pay little to nothing for your psychosociotherapeutic speak-truth-to-power journey.
To transcend political differences to resolve specific politicized needs, equally from internal and external means, challenging barriers in the way.
You speak Harmony Politic’s need-resolving truth to political power. You earn their invested support. Power balances more evenly.
Two-hour online group video.
$300/hour full price.
Weekly or as agreed.
Available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactee providing investment opportunity.
Potential return on investment when demonstrating greater political responsiveness.
To create political advantage by transcending political differences, by supporting internal and external means to resolve specific politicized needs.
You connect to passionate citizens resolving needs. You listen to those impacted by your political influence. Your invested power resolves needs.
Last of three stages for the psychosociotherapeutic process. Both sides draw together to resolve politicized needs using Harmony Politics.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.
Spread the love
If you find value in this service, please let others know. Recommend this page on social media.
See how we apply this approach to justice needs and eldercare needs. Consider joining us to help expand our offerings. Join us in resolving needs, to spread love.
Thank you
Who is this for?
You are someone without any judicial authority. Judicially speaking, you are an impactee.
You are wrongly convicted and not yet exonerated.
Your innocence claim is refused review by innocence projects.
You are a family member representing a wrongly convicted prisoner.
You are out of prison and cannot find a job because of your wrongful conviction.
Your encounters with police retraumatize you.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning about this unique approach to estimating and publicizing innocence claims, and you have no judicial influence.
You are someone with some judicial influence. Judicially speaking, you are an impactor.
You are a defense lawyer representing the wrongly convicted.
You are an innocence project staff person.
You work for a conviction integrity unit.
You are a prosecutor or judge linked to wrongful convictions.
You are an employer complicit in discriminating against the wrongly convicted.
Or you simply are someone interested in learning about this unique approach to estimating and publicizing innocence claims, and you have some judicial influence.
Innocence Claim Form
Innocence Claim
Yes, not everyone who claims they were wrongly convicted are actually innocent. But what if only a minority claim innocence? What if a majority of innocence claims are correct?
Contrary to widespread belief, only about 15% of prisoners claim actual innocence. They spend years insisting consistently they had no role in the alleged offense. If you think they are desperate to get out of prison, then what do they gain by repeatedly being denied parole for maintaining their innocence?
The criminal justice system tends to be slow to recognize or admit or correct its costly errors. Innocence projects continue to be overwhelmed by requests for help. They understandably work within the adversarial justice process. Something must give. And we are.
Download it
With the Innocence Claim Form, we step outside this dysfunctional system. We go straight to the public with the compelling evidence of innocence. We prioritize the resolving of needs.
Indeed, you may want some guidance understanding or filling out this long form. I look forward to helping you through this uneasy exercise. Prior to booking a session, and slots remain open, your first session is free for the asking.
Book it
If the claimant remains incarcerated and unable to receive this service directly, I look forward to working with a proxy representative. Book a session with me, to squeeze as much as you can from this post-adversarial approach to justice. No matter how heinous the conviction, you can trust me. I am one of you.
I created the Innocence Claim Form to demonstrate my own compelling evidence of innocence. After coming out as transgender decades ago amidst sexualizing bias, I was wrongly convicted without corroborating evidence of false allegations from someone I have never even met.
Ask me
Before booking a session, you likely have some questions. Before committing your time and resources, I want to be sure you this service fits your needs.
I look forward to answering any questions or concerns, to help you decide if this is a good fit for you. Send me an an email and I will get answer you as promptly as I can. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Value Justice intro
Innocence Claim Form
If not ready to dive in, we provide you a brief introductory session. Ask me anything about the Innocence Claim Form, or wrongful convictions in general.
You text me up to 15 minutes with SMS. We only charge you $25. With a 10% deposit, you only pay $2.50 up front.
Let me know this service is not for you and end the call before the 15 minutes, and you only pay the $2.50. Book by 9/1/2020 with the coupon in the book description, and you only pay the deposit for the full session.
If this service fills a need, consider our full service options below.
Full service options
Value Relating offers three progressing levels of service.
Start out only texting me for some guidance with the ICF tool.
You can then decide to video chat with me for support.
Finally, we host a group meeting online to advocate for you, or for others.
Check out our How it works page to explore this unique approach to consulting. Then book a session so we can get to work solving problems by resolving needs.
Learning Innocence Claim
Sessions depend on the power level of those who attend them.
Half-hour SMS or chat app.
Weekly or as needed.
$75/half-hour full price.
Available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from relying on under-resourced innocence projects or trusting the biased criminal justice system to correct itself, to using the publicly verifiable evidence-based Innocence Claim Form.
Half-hour SMS or chat app.
Weekly or as needed.
$75/half-hour full price.
Available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from insisting innocence projects or the criminal justice system are the only means for official recognition of wrongful conviction to using the publicly verifiable evidence-based Innocence Claim Form.
First of three stages of our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which changes power imbalances to resolve one another's impacted needs.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.
Utilizing Innocence Claim Form
One hour 1-on-1 online video.
Weekly or as available.
$150/hour full price.
Available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about our available discounts.
To complement or replace adversarial justice by directly engaging the needs of those affected by personal violence, including violence from the criminal justice system or neglect of innocence projects, using the Innocence Claim Form.
One hour 1-on-1 online video.
Weekly or as available.
$150/hour full price.
Available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about investment opportunities.
To complement or replace adversarial justice by directly engaging the needs of those affected by personal violence, including violence from the criminal justice system or neglect of innocence projects, using the Innocence Claim Form.
Second of three stages for the psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can transform power relations into resources for resolving more of one another’s needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.
Backing Innocence Claim
Two-hour group video session.
Weekly or as agreed upon.
$300/hour full price.
Available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactors investing in covering this cost.
Potentially pay little to nothing for your psychosociotherapeutic speak-truth-to-power journey.
To transcend adversarial justice to resolve specific justice needs, equally attending to violator and violated needs, with emphasis on the violated wrongly convicted and the violator judiciary.
Two-hour group video session.
Weekly or as agreed upon.
$300/hour full price.
Available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactee providing investment opportunity.
Potential return on investment when demonstrating greater judicial responsiveness.
To transcend adversarial justice to resolve specific justice needs, equally attending to violator and violated needs, with emphasis on the violated wrongly convicted and the violator judiciary.
Last of three stages for the psychosociotherapeutic process. Both sides draw together to officially establish innocence, as evidentiary warranted with or without the court's official recognition.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.
Spread the love
If you find value in this service, please let others know. Recommend this page on social media.
See how we apply this approach to justice needs and eldercare needs. Consider joining us to help expand our offerings. Join us in resolving needs, to spread love.
Thank you
Who is this for?
You are someone vulnerable to eldercare options. Generally speaking, you are an impactee.
You are a gatekeeper of elder-care services. Generally speaking, you are an impactor.
You are a transitioning senior.
You are family caregiver.
You are a friend caregiver.
Or you simply are someone interested in ensuring seniors' needs get met, and you have no influence in eldercare.
You are an eldercare professional.
You run a nursing home.
Or you simply are someone interested in ensuring seniors' needs get met, and you have some influence in eldercare.
Actively Doing Life
Actively Doing Life
The older you get in a nursing home, the more rapid you seem to decline. But how much of that is simply old age? And how much from such institutions not being responsive to seniors' changing needs?
The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed not only hospitals but nursing homes as well. How are they to keep track of the many needs they serve unless we tell them? Actively Doing Life empowers seniors and their loved ones to report the senior's changing needs. Eldercare providers need this information to do their job more effectively.
Download it
After downloading this free interactive tool for assessing senior's activities of daily living, you may find resources you did not know exists for both you the senior and for your loved ones. Try it and find out for yourself.
Indeed, you may want to ask me some burning questions. I look forward to answering them. Prior to booking a session, and while slots remain open, your first session is free for the asking.
Book it
Book a session with me, to explore how to best use this tool. Let me invest my 30+ years of experience and education in eldercare to help you. Together, we will ensure helping professionals better serve your overlooked senior needs.
The Actively Doing Life tool gives you a good start. If it does the trick, and your neglected senior’s needs get better served on your own, great! If not, book a session with me so I make sure those needs are being served. And to make sure eldercare professionals can stay atop of such needs in their busy careers.
Ask me
Before booking a session, you likely have some questions. Before committing your time and resources, I want to be sure you this service fits your needs.
I look forward to answering any questions or concerns, to help you decide if this is a good fit for you. Send me an an email and I will get answer you as promptly as I can. Thank you for the honor of serving your needs.
Value Seniors intro
Actively Doing Life
If not ready to dive in, we provide you a brief introductory session. Ask me anything about Actively Doing Life, or eldercare in general.
You text me up to 15 minutes with SMS. We only charge you $25. With a 10% deposit, you only pay $2.50 up front.
Let me know this service is not for you and end the call before the 15 minutes, and you only pay the $2.50. Book by 9/1/2020 with the coupon in the book description, and you only pay the deposit for the full session.
If this service fills a need, consider our full service options below.
Full service options
Value Relating offers three progressing levels of service.
Start out only texting me for some guidance with the ADL tool.
You can then decide to video chat with me for support.
Finally, we host a group meeting online to advocate for you, or for others.
Check out our How it works page to explore this unique approach to consulting. Then book a session so we can get to work solving problems by resolving needs.
Learning Actively Doing Life
Sessions depend on the power level of those who attend them.
Half-hour SMS or chat app.
Weekly or as needed.
$75/half-hour full price. Available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from eldercare options easier on family or pro caretakers to embracing challenging options more responsive to senior needs, using Actively Doing Life.
Half-hour SMS or chat app.
Weekly or as needed.
$75/half-hour full price. Available now for $50/half-hour.
1st session free for the asking.
To shift from eldercare options easier on professional caretakers to embracing challenging options more responsive to senior needs, using Actively Doing Life.
First of three stages of our psychosociotherapeutic process. Which changes power imbalances to resolve one another's impacted needs.
Scheduled 25-minutes at a time. Text-based: SMS after exchanging phone numbers, unless you request a chat app alternative.
Optimizing Actively Doing Life
One hour 1-on-1 online video.
Weekly or as available.
$150/hour full price.
Available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about our available discounts.
To give voice to seniors to tailor eldercare services to fit their specific needs, using Actively Doing Life.
One hour 1-on-1 online video.
Weekly or as available.
$150/hour full price.
Available now for $100/hour.
Ask me about investment opportunities.
To give voice to seniors to tailor eldercare services to fit their specific needs, using Actively Doing Life.
Second of three stages for the psychosociotherapeutic process. Which can transform power relations into resources for resolving more of one another’s needs.
Scheduled 50-minutes at a time. Schedule extra slots if you need more time. Video chat using app of your choosing.
Leveraging Actively Doing Life
Two-hour group video session.
Weekly or as agreed upon.
$300/hour full price.
Available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactors investing in covering this cost.
Potentially pay little to nothing for your psychosociotherapeutic speak-truth-to-power journey.
To shape eldercare services based on inputs from seniors and their families, with rewarding recognition to their valuable feedback.
You speak your truth to eldercare power. You keep them accountable to seniors' needs. You earn their invested support. Power balances more evenly.
Two-hour group video session.
Weekly or as agreed upon.
$300/hour full price.
Available now for $200/hour.
Ask about impactee providing investment opportunity.
Potential return on investment when demonstrating greater political responsiveness.
To shape eldercare services based on inputs from seniors and their families, with rewarding recognition to their valuable feedback.
You connect to passionate citizens resolving needs. You listen to those impacted by your influence. Your invested power resolves needs.
Last of three stages for the psychosociotherapeutic process. Both sides draw together to officially establish innocence, as evidentiary warranted with or without the court's official recognition.
Scheduled in two-hour long sessions at a time. If meeting up with the impactor for our unique process, we can coordinate a time best agreeable to all. Schedule extra back-to-back slots if needing longer sessions. Video group meet: Zoom or an agreeable alternative app with more than one-on-one meetings.