Enterprise Needs
Enterprise Needs
Welcome to your opportunity to cultivate your life's dream by first serving others.
What value can you create for Value Relating?
What value can Value Relating create for you?
What does Value Relating need to create value?
Enterprise Needs?
Value Relating has no “jobs.” Rather, there are plenty of rewarding opportunities providing more than just income, but a deeply satisfying meaningful purpose in life. Your potential for earnings could go far beyond a mere paycheck.
Value Relating exchanges value on a personalized contractual basis. As a result, you see more of the returns from your invested talents. Income then becomes secondary to the joy of pursuing your life’s purpose.
Value Relating does have many job-like stuff to do. We’re only interested in the entrepreneur minded, the sidepreneurs, even wannapreneurs. We’re not here to merely turn a buck, but to turn the world on its edge. Think we can't. Try an' stop us!
We don’t relieve needs, we stubbornly work to resolve them all.
Value Relating exists to resolve all needs, including economic needs. Traditionally, the job market expects employees to exchange their labor for a paycheck. Then be on their way. How quaint!
Here at Value Relating, we’re reinventing economics around the untapped potential of everyone. If you’re entrepreneurial, eager to engage a public your talents serve, and ready to take supported risks for greater gain, you’ve arrived at the right place.
Let’s see what we can do for each other, to deepen each other’s meaningful lives.
Your first time? Start here.
After joining Value Relating, your first three tasks orient you to what we're all about.
Improve user experience by the end of Dec 2017
Take eCourse by the end of Nov 2017
Test sales funnel by the end of Oct 2017
Value Relating needs you to test the user experience from start to finish, toward optimizing our conversation rates
Value Relating needs you to enroll in our eCourse, go through the course, and then provide a course review that inspires paid enrollments
Value Relating needs you to propose a workable solution to an identified problem, with measurable results to our revenue.
This is a time limited offer
When this clock runs out we'll be moving on to the next phase of our scheduled programming.
Enterprise Needs List
This list provides our currently available "enterprise needs" (EN). We invite you to offer your talents to help us create value for others. And value back to you.
Use this guide to follow each column in the EN List..Click on the column header to order the list. Click on the first column (EN#) to return to the list's default order.
1) EN# identifies by numerical order the specific "enterprise need" being addressed.
The first three are your entry point. These orient you to Value Relating's unique way of creating value for each other. Welcome aboard!
2) NEED succinctly labels the enterprise need being addressed. Each of these descriptors start with an active verb. The rest of the label isolates where it fits into the larger scheme.
Each need label begins with an action verb, followed by its specific need. Click on the need to open its full need description (PDF) in a new window. If nothing happens, you just caught us in the middle of getting our act together. Thanks for your patience, and please try again later.
3) TASK denotes the level of complexity in serving the enterprise need. Either as a short-term gig, or a drawn out project, or an all out solution.
gig: low-skilled, performed within a day
project: higher-skilled, can take days to complete
solution: advanced skills, solves an enterprise problem
4) TYPE shows in what general area in the enterprise.
Acct = accounting
CS = customer support, customer service
Ev = spreading "good news" of Value Relating offerings
HR = human resources (talent services)
Tech = technical support, such as website support
UX = user experience
Others may be added as needed
5) PRIOITY identifies urgency level of need at the time of its posting.
0 Hold: not serving this need until further notice
1 Low: helpful to enterprise but far from urgent
2 Moderate: mounting urgency
3 Significant: other matters waiting on this to be done first
4 Critical: continuance of enterprise is at stake
5 Required: entry for newcomers
8) POSTED is merely the date this enterprise need has been published. Or the last date the posting has been updated.
Other classification items may be found in each posting document.
If you did not find what you're looking for, feel free to use the SEARCH bar in the upper right corner. Click on the column header to reorder the list, as needed. Click on the first column (EN#) to return to the list's default order.
Your Talent Contribution
Here is where you let us know which enterprise need you're offering to serve. Fill in the form the best you can, and click SEND. Someone will get reply to your interest; someone who went through this same process to do this for you.
Your Contact Info
In this age of bountiful choices, we need to know your preferred way to communicate with us. Fill out this form if it's your first time working with us, or if changing your communication preferences. Let's stay connected!
More info, based on your input on what information is most needed here.
Enterprise Needs Input
Have any comments or questions about these enterprise needs. Share them here.
In the comments section to the right, post your comments and/or questions about the most recent enterprise need statements. Be sure to identify which one by its number.
For example, you could post "I'm interested in serving EN100, but only have a smartphone. Will that disqualify me?"
Respond to comments others leave, if you trust you can provide meaningful input. Thank others who respond to yours. Engaging each other's value is how we move toward resolving all needs.
For any question or comment you wish to keep private, use the Your Contact Info form above.
Value Relating needs you to test the user experience from start to finish, toward optimizing our conversation rates.
Post any questions or comments you may have about this need statement. For example, What conversion rate? What does "UX" stand for? How soon will I hear back after submitting I click SEND?
Value Relating needs you to enroll in our eCourse, go through the course, and then provide a course review that inspires paid enrollments.
Post any questions or comments you may have about this need statement. For example, What if I can't finish the course within the allotted time? Can I skip over the quizzes? Does Udemy have an app I can add to my phone?
Value Relating needs you to propose a workable solution to an identified problem, with measurable results to our revenue.
Post any questions or comments you may have about this need statement. For example, What if I can come up with a workable solution? What if my solution does not provide any measurable improvements? Do I do this on my own, or with some "team" members?
Your input can bring value to this process. This is all new to us too. Thank you for helping us draw closer to resolving all needs.
Enterprising Cycles
Addressing needs in a pattern
Here is a trade secret we trust you to keep out of public hands. We conduct our product/service promotions the first half of each month. During the second half we focus on talent calls, while our product/service prices are kept at the higher list price.
This adds a sense of urgency when the prices are lowered during the first half of each month. There is no guarantee the lowered prices will be that low again, incentivizing buyers to "buy now."
As revenue streams in, the work inevitably expands. This revenue can help us afford to "hire" more help. With product promotions are kept in stasis the first half of the month, we anticipate being able to focus more on building up the team.
As new members come aboard, the next promotion cycle is to orient them to our evolving value creation. Members become "verified" once they complete the entry tasks, privileging them to draft their own need statements. They are to move onto "qualified" and "certified" status to help carry this expanding workload of blossoming value to each other.At least that's the plan. We invite your input.
Keeping this cycle schedule under wraps helps to avoid our promotion cycles from being "gamed" by schemers. Thank you.
Need statement format:
A: Requester [Who is expressing the need] needs
B: Target [who you expect to serve the need]
C: Activity [valued action you seek]
D: Results [re measurable impactful result].
140 character limit.
"I, Steph, need someone to test the user experience from start to finish, toward optimizing our conversation rates."
A: "I, Steph,"
B: "need someone"
C: "to test the user expereince from start to finish,"
D: "toward optimizing our converstion rates."
"I, Steph, need family members to enroll in eCourse, go through course, and provide a course review that inspires paid enrollments."
A? ___________________
B? ___________________
C? ___________________
D? ___________________
"I, Steph, need family members to propose a workable solution to an identified problem, with measurable results to our revenue."
I trust you got the idea by now. Write on!
Your Need Statement
See anything we missed?
Do you see a need not being addressed? Let us know in the comments below. Inspire us to do a better job. Invite us to specifically resolve all needs.
After successfully completing the first three entry tasks, you are invited to draft your own need statements.
Verified member
To be “verified” you must complete all entry needs (EN001, 002, and 003), while continuing in good standing with others at Value Relating. To maintain verified status, you must successfully perform at least one gig-level task each week.
Verified members are free, and actually encouraged, to provide need statements that add value to the enterprise, and ultimately to one another’s lives. All verified members are invited to give their helpful input into deciding policy matters affecting us all.
Qualified member
To be “qualified” you must first be verified, and then satisfactorily perform another project-level task that satisfies an enterprise need, while continuing in good standing with others at Value Relating. To maintain qualified status, you must successfully fulfill at least one project-level task each month.
Qualified members actively provide need statements that add value to the enterprise, and ultimately to one another’s lives. All qualified members are invited to give their helpful input into deciding policy matters affecting us all, and vote on them as requested.
Certified member
To be “certified” you must first be verified and qualified, and then satisfactorily solve a solution-level task with measurably impactful results, while continuing in good standing with others at Value Relating. To maintain certified status, you must successfully deliver at least one solution-level result per quarter.
Certified members take responsibility for the integrity of the need statements process, voting on them when necessary, and providing active support for their effective performance. Certified members decide on questionable policy matters while taking other members’ input into account, and deciding by consensus matters to invite other’s input.
Certified members maintaining status for the four quarters of a fiscal year become eligible for profit sharing above any solution-level result earnings.
Enterprise Needs queue for your input
This section is not yet developed, or even definite to remain. Stay tuned.