First, take a look at how psychosociotherapy differs from traditional psychotherapy. This page assumes you now appreciate the differences between the traditional focus on the individual and this more holistic approach.
This page covers two aspects. One, our three current psychosociotherapy services. Two, our three-stage process toward psychosociotherapeutic outcomes. Contact us if you need to explore more.
In brief...
The process
Currently, only three services are offered.
1) TransEconomic
2) TransJudicial
3) TransPolitical
If what you seek does not fall into one of these niches then there is little we can do for you now.
If you sense your situation and your need can be served in one of these services, then check it out.
Schedule a free consulting session
Good fit also means we can
connect online,
utilize encrypted connections to secure your privacy
use basic computing literacy, or include someone who can
agree on contingencies to have in place if we lose connection
agree on how costs for this service are to be covered, and what happens if behind in payments
and other terms of service.
Ask us about our options for communicating face-to-face.
Open to video calls from 2pm to 4pm ET, if requested first by using contact form above.

FIT screening process
This is not a good process for those currently in crisis.
Those who see pain as morally bad
and react to avoid it at any cost
are among the most evil in the world.
Those who embrace and act upon pain
as messengers of trouble to be resolved
are among the most upright in the world.
Those who see pain as morally bad
and react to avoid it at any cost
are among the most evil in the world.
Those who embrace and act upon pain
as good messengers of trouble to be resolved
are among the most upright in the world.
Those who see pain as morally bad
and react to avoid it at any cost
are among the most evil in the world.
Those who resolve trouble by embracing its pain as good messengers to inform decisions
are among the most upright in the world.
verified as a good fit
Free consulting session to check if psychosociotherapy is a good fit for you.
Familiar path of psychotherapy to lay down a firm foundation for you.
Regular sessions with a team of supporters, tranforming relationships.

If we assume everyone with a felony record is guilty of the crime, then we may be guilty of complicity in the unfolding crisis of wrongful convictions.

The demand for professional help to review these viable claims of innocence far outstrips the meager supply. Innocence Projects remain overwhelmed.
Until resources catch up to the needs of this crisis, this provides a calculated estimate of likely factual innocence.
No one sits above the law, yet no law sits above need. Laws exist to serve needs, but whose?
And all needs sit equal before nature.
The moral question persists: whose needs get best served by which enforced laws?
The answer determines the level of legitimacy, the level of widely earned trust to serve these needs.

Among the most evil in the world
are those who perpetuate problems
by coercing you to avoid all pain.
Among the most upright in the world
are those who let you solve problems
by inspiring you to embrace life’s pain.
Receive team support for your inspiring dream of economic purpose & freedom.
Receive tea.m support for your compelling claim of criminal innocence
Receive team support for your passion to overcome political polarization.
Impact Parity Monetization Model
Your demonstrable social skills
Recognized communication soft skills
Recognized critical thinking soft skills
Ethical Character→Personal Judgment→Problem Solving→Time Management→
Recognized collaboration soft skills
Diversity and Inclusion→Self-Confidence→Teamwork→
Recognized creativity soft skills
Positive Attitude→Initiative→Flexibility→Work Ethic→
Your demonstrable social skills
Your communication soft skills
1. Humility→
2. Communication→
3. Conflict→
Your critical thinking soft skills
4. Ethical Character→
5. Personal Judgment→
6. Problem Solving→
7. Time Management→
Your collaboration soft skills
8. Diversity and Inclusion→
9. Self-Confidence→
10. Teamwork→
Your creativity soft skills
11. Positive Attitude→
12. Initiative→
13. Flexibility→
14. Work Ethic→
Demonstrated social skills
-Humility→Communication→Conflict→Ethical Character→Personal Judgment→Problem Solving→Time Management→Diversity and Inclusion→Self-Confidence→Teamwork→Positive Attitude→Initiative→Flexibility→Work Ethic-
But doesn't that encourage irresponsibility? That's what I was always taught.
Psychosociotherapy is not like psychotherapy. We're not trying to change you but help you change your situation.

Psychosociotherapy recognizes your responsibility to yourself is only as good as other's responsibility toward you.

You mean I don't have to adjust to a messed up world? That I can help improve that world?

Then I'd like to see how I can improve my workplace environment. My boss snaps direct orders to me to do her bidding, but as an internally motivated worker, I can only focus from my own motivations to serve our customers.
Accountability = the consequence you face when you are wrong.
Legitimacy = level of responsiveness to needs under your care.
Authority = ascribed role to ensure adherence to agreed upon standards for respecting needs.
Legitimacy with weak accountability is fragile.
Legitimacy without accountability is really no legitimacy at all.
Authority with weak legitimacy is morally questionable.
Authority without legitimacy is tyranny.
Liberty offender = impeding the resolution of need, whether impeding the resolution of one’s own need or impeding the resolution of others’ needs.
This can apply where provisional pain relief is treated as an end point, failing to enable a follow through to fully resolve the source of pain.
Once a strong correlation fits between resolving impactee needs and a significant drop in their wellness pain levels, accountability shifts to impactors to respect these needs in terms specific to how impactees must resolve such needs.
Otherwise, impactors are to be publicly linked to complicity in the epidemic crises of poor mental health outcomes, lethal drug overdoses, and suicides.
Here, the appeal to nature trumps any appeal to law, and any supremacy of law over need the law exists to serve will automatically delegitimize such assumed authority. While no one sits above the law, no law sits above need it exists to serve.
Those with influence to enforce law in violation of the identified, expressed and addressed needs shall face the process of invalidation, castigation, and--if stubbornly recalcitrant to the demonstrated higher authority of nature--full ostracization.
One option on the table is paying taxes into an escrow account, released only upon pre-agreed terms for respecting the painfully impacted needs. Such a commitment points to needs likely of a severe life-or-death nature. If still obdurate, the government might want to consider the consequence: dead people don't pay taxes.



Wellness is psychosocial