Half-hour text-based session to guide you through the service tool. You book the session. We exchange phone numbers for SMS texting. Or exchange accounts for other text app.
I walk you through this “anankelogical” understanding of your impacted needs.
Your politically impacted needs, in Value Politics with the Harmony Politics tool.
Your judicially impacted needs, in Value Justice with the Innocence Claim form.
Your aging family impacted needs, in Value Seniors with the Actively Doing Life tool.

We potentially could answer all of your informational needs in the first free session.

Or we can continue and you drive the agenda of all subsequent guidance sessions.

Or you can let me guide you through a coordinated process informing each other’s impacted needs.
If you let me lead, I separately guide both impactee and impactor to better understand how their needs are being impacted. And what we can do about them. The coordinated process starts with a “knock.” See psychosociotherapeutic process.
Hour long video chat session to support you applying this service tool. You book the session. We connect by Zoom. Or use an app of your choosing.
We work with you to apply this valuable insight to your specific needs.
Impactee constituent voter needs or impactor politico needs.
Impactee wrongly convicted needs or impactor judicial official needs.
Impactee function-declining senior needs or impactor family caregiver needs.

We potentially could answer all of your informational needs in the first free session.

Or we can continue and you drive the agenda of all subsequent guidance sessions.

Or you can let me guide you through a coordinated process bridging each other’s impacted needs.
If you let me lead, we “bridge” what impactee and impactor need to cooperate better with each other. As family members, Value Seniors could be further along than the other services where impactee and impactor likely do not know each other. See psychosociotherapeutic process.
Two-hour video group session to advocate mutual resolving of impacted needs. You book the session. We connect by Zoom again. Or the app of your choosing.
I work with you to create meaningful change with impactors to resolve these needs. Impactees reach out to impactors.
Impactors respond, or risk losing out. Others who can help may be invited to join us. You draw closer to your ultimate goal of resolving the impacted needs—even if this means cutting off all contact with an unresponsive impactor.
Impactee voter needs inform impactor politico needs.
Impactee accused needs inform impactor judicial official needs.
Impactee senior needs inform impactor family caregiver needs.

We potentially could answer all of your informational needs in the first free session.

Or we can continue and you drive the agenda of all subsequent guidance sessions.

Or you can let me guide you through a coordinated process set to resolve each other’s impacted needs.
If you let me lead, impactee and impactor “shake” hands in agreement to work together toward relating better to each other’s impacted needs. The impactor with more means sees the value in this conciliatory process, and willingly and perhaps eagerly covers most if not all the cost of the sessions.
Or the impactee invites others of means to take the place of the reluctant impactor. Or the impactee builds their own team to create grassroots value, in defiance of reluctant impactors. Impactees without impactors to help cover the cost can ask for a discount to keep these sessions affordable. See psychosociotherapeutic process.