Half-hour text-based session to guide you through the service tool. You book the session. We exchange phone numbers for SMS texting. Or exchange accounts for other text app.
We review your responses to the tool and what you can learn from it.
I walk you through the Harmony Politics tool and answer any related questions.
I walk you through the Innocence Claim form and answer any related questions.
I walk you through the Actively Doing Life tool and answer any related questions.
Perhaps you find all you need in our first text-based session. Or you may continue, but you set the agenda and pace. Or you are here to respond to an invitation to engage someone who questions your authority over them with this tool.



We potentially could answer all of your informational needs in the first free session.
You tell us what you need from the tool, to serve your specific needs.
You set the agenda for understanding Harmony Politics.
You set the agenda for understanding Innocence Claim.
You set the agenda for understanding Actively Doing Life.
You respond to an invitation by someone whose needs you apparently impact. Instead of being hostile toward you, they invite you to our conciliatory process for resolving such needs.
If leading this response, I separately guide both impactee and impactor to better understand how their needs are being impacted. And what we can do about them. The coordinated process starts with a “knock” as the first in three steps. See our psychosociotherapeutic process. Failing to promptly reply to this invitation gives others opportunity to step in and fill these identified needs.
Hour long video chat session to support you applying this service tool. You book the session. We connect by Zoom. Or use an app of your choosing.
We step up and support your tool-related needs.
We brainstorm ways to apply the Harmony Politics tool to your political needs.
We brainstorm ways to apply the Innocence Claim form to your judicial needs.
We brainstorm ways to apply the Actively Doing Life tool to your caretaker needs.



We potentially could answer all of your support needs in the first video session.
You tell us what you need from the tool, to serve your specific support needs.
How can the Harmony Politics tool support your political aims?
How can the Innocence Claim support your judicial aims?
How can the Actively Doing Life support your eldercare aims?
You continue to engage someone you recognize as affected by your authority. And you willing and perhaps appreciatively accept their helpful critique of your use of authority.
We build a “bridge” between you and this impactee. We support you both to better appreciate each other’s impacted needs. To follow where this is going, check out the support phase of our psychosociotherapeutic process.
Two-hour video group session to advocate mutual resolving of impacted needs. You book the session. We connect by Zoom again. Or the app of your choosing.
You invest your resources advocating to resolve tool-related needs.
We advocate together to resolve political needs using the Harmony Politics tool.
We advocate together to resolve justice needs using the Innocence Claim form.
We advocate together to resolve seniors’ needs using the Actively Doing Life tool.



We could potentially answer all of your advocacy needs in the first group session.
You tell us what you need from the tool, to serve your specific advocacy needs.
You set the agenda for optimizing Harmony Politics.
You set the agenda for optimizing Innocence Claim.
You set the agenda for optimizing Actively Doing Life.
You conclude a three-phase process initiated by the engaging impactee. You meet with them in these shared online video group sessions.
You either invest in their need-resolving endeavors, or risk losing the opportunity to others. You either shift your power toward resolving such needs, or risk losing power to their greater responsiveness to the addressed needs. We coach you in how to apply anankelogical need-resolving principles to meaningfully legitimize your social power.
Beyond hourly-based consulting
If requiring more a project-based or outcome-based consulting, let us know what we can do for you. We are a unique kind of consulting service, as you likely already noticed.
Join us in creating a new kind of value to address stubborn problems. Join us during this populist era to enable the populace to better serve their own needs.
Wherever there are hostilities spilling over into rage and hate, together we can replace it with much needed love. Value Relating exists to serve your need to spread love.