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So you find profriendship a good fit for you. And now you're ready to step it up a bit?


  • You're now better able to navigate power differentials

  • Your anxiety levels are decreasing

  • Your hope for the future is rising

Start your journey to speak truth to power

If you live in the Kalamazoo area, we can meet in person at a public venue of your choice. Otherwise, we can meet online. 


Schedule your ProFriend session here. Just follow these steps. 

  1. Click on image at left, to go to our Book It page.

  2. Once there, click on the Book Now purple button with white text.

  3. Select a date, and available time slot, and then click the purple Next button at the right of the calendar.

  4. Add your info (your name and email at a minimum), and then click on the purple Next button at the right of the contact form. We never share your your personal information.

  5. Select your payment method, then click the purple Pay Now button. (If we agreed you will pay in person, then click the purple Book It button.)

  6. Mark your calendar. I look forward to serving you.


Schedule your Supporter session here. Just follow these steps. 

  1. Click on image at left, to go to our Book It page.

  2. Once there, click on the Book Now purple button with white text.

  3. Select a date, and available time slot, and then click the purple Next button at the right of the calendar.

  4. Add your info (your name and email at a minimum), and then click on the purple Next button at the right of the contact form. We never share your your personal information.

  5. Select your payment method, then click the purple Pay Now button. (If we agreed you will pay in person, then click the purple Book It button.)

  6. Mark your calendar. I look forward to serving you.


Schedule your Advocate session here. Just follow these steps. 

  1. Click on image at left, to go to our Book It page.

  2. Once there, click on the Book Now purple button with white text.

  3. Select a date, and available time slot, and then click the purple Next button at the right of the calendar.

  4. Add your info (your name and email at a minimum), and then click on the purple Next button at the right of the contact form. We never share your your personal information.

  5. Select your payment method, then click the purple Pay Now button. (If we agreed you will pay by another means, then click the purple Book It button.)

  6. Mark your calendar. I look forward to serving you.

Start your journey to speak truth to power

If you live in the Kalamazoo area, we can meet in person at a public venue of your choice. Otherwise, we can meet online. 

Share the news

If you think this service can help your friends, or your foes, then please share on your social media. 

solving problems by resolving needs
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removing pain by resolving needs

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