Psychosocial Wellness

Let us guide, support and advocate for you to speak truth to power.
Try our pioneering approach to resolve your power-impacted needs.
You cannot reach or sustain wellness without cooperation of those in power.
Why psychosocial wellness?
Wellness is psychosocial. You are most healthy when you your personal needs resolve on par with your social needs. You are most well when your need for self-expression, for example, can resolve right along with your need not to be ousted from society for your bold honesty.
Where can you go to address both you internal development and to address external social pressures holding you back?
Counseling looks inward.
Politics looks outward.
Psychosociotherapy bridges this divide.
Addressing power relations
Power relations distort wellness. Neither the powerholder nor the relatively less powerful in a formal relation can reach their full potential when the power relation prevents either side from resolving their power-impacted needs.
“Power is not really power unless it resolves
needs. Otherwise it's just coercive force.”
Better alternative to the usual passive-aggressive options for dealing with power relations.
Avoidance options
Adversarial options
Conciliatory options
Why an advocacy campaign?
If counseling helps you to overcome your personal problems, then advocacy campaign may not be for you. If arbitration helps you resolve a dispute with others, advocacy campaign may not be a good fit. If your problems stem from deep social structures baked into our cultural norms, neither counseling alone nor abitration alone will provide you lasting satisfaction.
Advocacy campaign supports those with less power to speak their truth to those holding power. Advocacy campaign then incentivizes powerholders to listen to those they impact. Together, we address the structural limits preventing both sides from resolving their power-impacted needs.
The overlooked problem of coercive power
When problems persist because "that is the way things are always done" then powerholders easily get locked into patterns of coercive power. Whether powerholders realize it or not, they routinely hinder the relatively less powerful to resolved needs.
laws kept vague, generalizing - avoid specifics, powerholders stay ill informed to their impacts on the relatively less powerful
Mass institutions serving large scale needs
binary options - power coercion
Mass institutions mission creep
generalize for relief when you need to get to your impacted specifics to resolve your affected needs.
Need-response applying anankelogy
Psychosociotherapy is part of need-response, a new field envisioned to complement (or compete) with law enforcement.
“We cannot solve our specific problems from
the level of generalizing that created them.”
Better alternative to the usual passive-aggressive options for dealing with power relations.
Avoidance options
Adversarial options
Conciliatory options
advocacy campaign steps
Inventory of relationships
Categorize each for power level, and who has power.
Identify impact on needs in each relation.
Select one or two ways to improve responsiveness.
Spot challenges to responsiveness.
Apply anankelogic critique to each relation:
ALC: interpersonal barriers to responsiveness;
AMC: power differential barriers to responsiveness;
AHC: notable social structure barriers to being responsive to needs.
Sort relations by value to RI client:
high: essential to RI’s needs.
okay: important but not essential to RIs’ needs.
low: increasingly negative effect on RI’s needs.
end: mostly or fully negative effect on RI’s needs.
Contact each promising relation with effort to improve relating:
offer improvement
gage level of their responsiveness
ask how much they appreciate the results
no response: drop from list
low response: invite to follow
high response: invite to support campaign
Segue to next step in advocacy campaign
When inviting social capital of identified relations, offer tool to identify their:
easement orientation
relational orientation
psychosocial orientation
This includes offering them the Four Seasons tool.
Later, offer them the generic exaction invoice with a brief tutorial on how to optimize its use; teases use of campaign supported premium exaction invoice.
Unpack each relation for:
avoidance patterns & options.
adversarial patterns & options.
conciliatory patterns & potential.
Extrapolate how affects behavior toward formal powerholders.
Structural barrier: the other in the relation has a priority of needs in opposition to the RI’s priority of needs, which cannot be personally changed on either side.
Team members are tested (with online quiz) for their social skills. If scoring low, recommended to take MI’s 14 social skills eCourse, then test again.
When all team members demonstrate proficiency in responsiveness to each other’s needs and score high on this social skills inventory, and after RI presents sufficient resiliency, team receives “accreditation” as ready for advocacy. This accreditation is added to all invites to first group of impactors.
Our structured psychosociotherapy
We give you structure with our "psychosociotherapy” model. Instead of changing individuals, as with psychotherapy, this service supports client to change the power relationships they find themselves.
Psychosociotherapy is part of need-response, a new field envisioned to complement (or compete) with law enforcement.
“While no one sits above the law,
no law sits above the needs
it exists to serve.”
By going above and beyond the minimal harm-reduction standards of the law, we aim to resolve needs to improve lives and communities. With one need-resolving act of love at a time.
The structure follows the consulting service three progressing levels for
support and
Each level integrates our other tools. Each provides a kind of psychosocial intervention to help you speak truth to power. Each creates value to the powerful to listen to those impacted.
How can our psychosocial interventions best serve your underserved needs?

Advocacy Campaign
Psychosocial wellness process
STTP SMS guide
I guide the Reporting Impactee who downloaded the tool, to answer any questions about the interactive spreadsheet tool, or about the topic in general. I invite the RI to use the tool to challenge AI over underserved tool related needs. I introduce other helpful tools to further this process.
Four Seasons to realize the impact of power relations on psychosocial needs.
Exaction Invoice to convey the imperative importance of impacted needs.
I text with any Ascribed Impactor who downloaded the tool, to answer any questions about the interactive spreadsheet tool, or about the topic in general.
I text with AI responding to invitation from RI, reacting to EI assertions. I invite AI to see opportunity in engaging those they ostensibly impact.
STTP 1-on-1 vid support
I support RI by listening to them rant about what they would like to see done to better serve their topic-related needs. Deep structural changes are included. We invite influential impactors to respond. I introduce more helpful tools to deepen this process.
Legit Assess to link AI value to responsiveness to RI needs.
Grow Resilience to boost our capacity to resolve needs.
Authority Audit to link AI responsiveness to trusted positions of influence.
I forward some of the expressed RI needs to AI ready to listen to those impacted. I explore what, and how much, AI can do about these expressed needs.
I invite AI to wait for RI to join us to express their topic-related needs.
LTTI group video advocacy
I advocate for the RI and other joining RIs. I host an online meeting for any AI ready to listen to those RIs they ostensibly impact. I facilitate a discussion between RIs and AIs to better serve each other’s needs, toward resolving needs instead of merely easing them. The more AI benefit from direct into, the more they compensate invested RI group members. I introduce two more tools to finalize this process.
Inspiring Purpose to attract AI investment in RI’s purposeful passion to resolve needs overlooked by stagnating social structures.
Liberty Avowal to assert an innate right and unhindered responsibility to resolve topic-related needs, along with all needs.
I facilitate a working agreement for AI to invest in RI passionate purpose to resolve topic-related needs, to maintain impact parity of mutually resolving needs.
Applied to each service
Value Politics
I guide RI voters to answer any questions about the Harmony Politics tool, or about conciliatory politics in general.
Value Justice
I guide RI claimants to answer any questions about the Innocence Claim Form, or about wrongful convictions in general.
Value Seniors
I guide RI family members or the RI seniors themselves, to answer any questions about the ADL tool or eldercare resources in Kalamazoo.
STTP 1-on-1 video
I support RI voters by listening to them rage about what they would like to see done to better serve the politically overlooked. We invite political impactors to respond to such needs.
STTP 1-on-1 video
I support RI claimants by listening to them rant about what they would like to see done to better serve the wrongly convicted. We invite justice impactors to respond to such ideas.
STTP 1-on-1 video
I guide RI seniors by listening to them vent about what they would like to see done to better serve seniors in general. We invite eldercare impactors to integrate these ideas.
LTTI group video chat
I advocate for RI voters. I host an online meeting for AI to listen to those voters they ostensibly impact. RI voters or their rep are present & involved. AI benefit from direct info.
LTTI group video chat
I advocate for RI claimants. I host an online meeting for AI to listen to those claimants they ostensibly impact. RI claimants or their rep are present & involved. AI benefit from direct info.
LTTI group video chat
I advocate for RI seniors. I host an online meeting for AI to listen to those seniors they ostensibly impact. RI seniors or their rep are present & involved. AI benefit from direct info.
The process in more detail
This psychosociotherapuetic process emphasizes relationships over the individuals within them. It lays out a simple three stage process to change power imbalanced relationships with love.
KNOCK for Guidance to use the free tool.
BRIDGE for Support to apply the free tool.
HANDSHAKE for Advocacy to mutually resolve the tool-related needs.
With Value Relating’s backing, you the impactee invites the ascribed impactor with a letter of intent. The impactor gets notified of their apparent impact on the impactee’s needs.
A slow response from the ascribed impactor warrants notification of RI’s adversarial options. We provide two tools to help you the impactee to speak truth to power. The first one focuses within. The second one looks outward at your power-impacted situation.
A. Four Seasons:
You receive text guidance to see how power differentials impact each other’s psychosocial needs. Before any impactor can claim it’s your personal responsibility to change, we counter with the truth of mutual responsibility.
Who is the closest person, outside of the immediate situation, that you can count on? Together, we build up your social capital to take on the world. It can supplement any of the service tools.
You see how political differences stem from different psychosocial needs.
You see how your sense of fairness points to your psychosocial imbalance.
You see how family dynamics impact your psychosocial needs.
You discover you are now in one of four natural seasons of life. Your season prioritizes your needs. Others in a different season experience a different priority of needs.
The tool looks inward. It normalizes how you need differently from others. Next, we look outward. Is it normal to be subtly coerced by those in authority?

B. Exaction Invoice:
You receive text guidance to know your options and inform the impactor with our backing that you intend to assert them if they cannot cooperate with us.
For example,
You the impactee voter “charges” your elected rep for opportunity costs you incur from legislation they passed against your interests. The elected rep impactor receives necessary input impacting their political will.
You the wronged impactee “charges” your employer for opportunity costs you incur from discrimination in the workplace. The employer impactor receives needed awareness of the plight of the wrongly convicted and their toxic impact on them.
You the impactee senior “charges” your caregiver for opportunity costs you incur from missed opportunities to remain with family. The family caregiver receives polite feedback for improving their service.
This exaction invoice provides “symbolic billing” for you the impactee to communicate your incurred opportunity costs to impactors. It must not be used as any legally binding receipt of anything of value. It serves your First Amendment right to express your grievance, in a way likely to provoke attention.
You will need to be familiar with the exaction invoice tool, and how to use it without abusing its intent. I can provide text guidance for that.

As impactee, you break free from structural exaction. That is where social structures privileged by established norms, or even by law, allows others to coerce something of value from you.
While clear acts of extortion remain illegal, subtle acts by those with greater resources (like impactors) can limit your access to essential resources. Neither you nor impactors can fully resolve needs without full autonomy over one’s resources.

As impactor, you receive vital information indicating how you actually come across. Your blind spots get illuminated graciously. You do not know that you do not know, so here you begin to discern what can gravely impact your social reputation.
If you journeyed with us this far by text, you may consider longer sessions by video chat. I can shift from merely informing you to supporting your tool-related goals.
With Value Relating’s backing, you the impactee send terms to the impactor for meaningful cooperation. The impactor receives opportunity to improve their responsiveness to the vulnerable needs of any impactee they impact.
A slow response from the ascribed impactor warrants challenging the legitimacy of their authority, since authority exists to serve needs. We provide three tools to help you the impactee speak this truth to power. The first one focuses within. The next two looks outward at your power-impacted situation.

C. Grow Resilience:
I help you stretch your resilience. You learn you can tolerate more discomfort than you likely give yourself credit. You can rely less on relieving generalizations, as you tolerate more ambiguity to face once-illusive nuance.

You learn emotions convey your needs, to embrace even your painful emotions.
You let go of political generalizations to deal with specific politicized needs.
You let go of judicial generalizations to deal with judicially overlooked needs.
You let go of eldercare generalizations to deal with overlooked family needs.
You the impactee build the courage to speak boldly to impactors. You improve your leveraging if you can tolerate more discomfort. You find you can negotiate with impactors on a more level footing. If they dare resist, you test their legitimacy to have any influence over you.
D. Legitimacy Assessment:
You receive video chat support to test impactor authority over you. I support you in asking your impactor(s), “By what authority do you do such and such?” When citing a law, you assess the difference between the law’s expected service to needs and how it actually impacts your needs. The less you and others can function, the less legitimate that authority.
You test the legitimacy of political processes that demonizes opponents.
You test the legitimacy of adversarial justice that fails to help resolve needs.
You test the legitimacy of eldercare systems tending to objectify the elderly.
Testing impactor legitimacy seeks to improve their accountable responsiveness to needs. We do not want to angrily assume no legitimacy exists, nor with confirmation bias try to prove any preconceived assumptions. We actually seek to improve their authority by raising it to the higher authority of resolving needs—yours and everyone else’s needs.
After exhausting your conciliatory options to test their authority, you segue to conditioning their continued influence on how measurably responsive they are to your needs—and others similarly situated.

E. Authority Audit:
You receive video chat support to test impactor authority over you. I support you to condition your relation on impactor responsiveness to needs.
You condition impactor authority on how responsive to specific politicized needs.
You condition impactor authority on how responsive to needs behind the violence.
You condition impactor authority on how responsive to familial needs of seniors.
Civil disobedience traditionally claims to obey conscience over obeying unjust law. Need-response replaces this subjective standard with the objective standard of measurable impact on functioning.
In anankelogy, law can be defined as impersonal principles governing actions toward coordinated functioning. If human principles arbitrarily limit functioning, it reveals a lower authority than objective principles resolving needs toward full functioning. The authority audit provides empirical data to assert this higher authority.

As impactee, you build value as you shift focus from dutifully following social norms to responsibly resolving needs. Your conciliatory approach defuses defensiveness of entrenched authority. You lead the way to better outcomes.
As impactor, you turn your potentially coercive influence into a dynamic force resolving more needs. Your power provokes less resistance and more engagement. Your authority shifts from demanding obeyance to trusted leadership.
Impactee and impactor meet. The group session expands to two hours as both sides merge for mutual advocacy.
Here is where the impactee invites impactors to invest in their passion to mutually resolve their situationally impacted needs. The more the impactor can benefit from this conciliatory need-resolving approach, the more they are expected to contribute to the session’s cost. Perhaps the full $400 per session.
Or the impactee can attract others to pick up the slack. The impactor then loses opportunity, and less of any return on investment. We provide the impactee a crowdfunding model to inspire investment in their commitment to resolve needs.
We provide two tools to bring this process to a valuable close. The first one focuses inward. The second outward.

F. Inspiring Purpose:
You receive advocacy in your group sessions of growing social capital. With this tool, I help you turn your challenges into opportunities for others to invest in your growing passion to resolve such power-impacted needs.
You attract investment in your passion to resolve needs on both political sides.
You attract investment in your passion to resolve needs to prevent violence.
You attract investment in your passion to resolve familial needs of seniors.
With our conciliatory approach, you more easily attract funding. Others will likely embrace the opportunity to invest in your expression of love, of putting other’s love ahead of your own, long enough to inspire reciprocation.nor.

G. Liberty Avowal:
You receive advocacy to expand backing for your commitment to resolve power-impacted needs, with or without impactor support. You avow your right and responsibility to resolve needs easily neglected in power imbalances.
You avow your right and responsibility to resolve needs on both political sides.
You avow your right and responsibility to resolve needs behind violence.
You avow your right and responsibility to resolve familial needs of seniors.
You take a bold stance, and we help you make the most of it. We back you.

As impactee, you improve your wellbeing. As you more freely resolve your needs, you find you can do more. You suffer less pain.
The more you resolve your own needs, the easier for you to focus on the needs of others. You may find meaningful purpose in helping other impactees resolve the same set of needs you faced.
And you likely make meaningful connects with those who can help turn your passion into a going concern. With our conciliatory approach, you might become irresistible to impactees everywhere.

As impactor, you
work with enthused voters, improve your bipartisan reach and messaging, collect social proof you listen and relate to diverse voter needs, motivate higher turnout at the polls, and potentially attract donors and potentially earn free media.
better understand the plight of the wrongly convicted, shift from any complicity in discriminating against the wrongly convicted privileged by law, and potentially reshape norms at the root of wrongful convictions.
empathize better with the particular needs seniors face, and find ways to be more responsive to them, in the context of a family environment where the senior is not treated as a caretaking nuisance but with high honor.
By the conclusion
of this service, Impactees impact the powerful with inspiration to invest in their compelling commitment to resolve needs. Well-resourced Impactors gladly invest in this conciliatory alternative to less desirable options.
The initially contacted Ascribed Impactor may pass on this opportunity. Fine. Others then get a shot at investing in the purpose-driven Impactee.
In a world filled with win-lose divisiveness, psychosociotherapy offers a win-win alternative. The powerless find more balance with the powerful. The powerful get coached in creating greater value with their positions of influence. Win-win.
So join us. Spread the love.