EIF Aim #6
Sixth of a dozen aims for the Estimated Innocence Form.

To increase the transparency of the process to identify and clear innocent prisoners and other wrongly convicted.
Without the Estimated Innocence Form, you are generally kept in the dark. If fortunate enough to have a legal team working on your case, you still must wait weeks and months to hear if anything happened in the courts. And the news is not always pleasant.
The EIF keeps the process in the open. Sunlight is said to be the best disinfectant. Once a claim is diligently verified with a degree of certainty, and the outcome affirms innocence, the slow legal process can either catch up or shut up. If this alternative exposes thousands and thousands of actually innocent prisoners, any many more in the general public stuck in second class citizenship, the social pressure can become immense. The innocence movement and courts could then finally “find” the resources it now claims it does not have to review every viable claim, and to clear wrongful convictions faster than they are produced.
How can the EIF serve you?
The EIF is also for innocence litigators.