EIF Aim #9
Ninth of a dozen aims for the Estimated Innocence Form.

To raise the standard of justice from a failed win-lose binary to identifying degrees of certainty in adjudicated outcomes.
Without the Estimated Innocence Form, innocence movements and conviction integrity units tend to wander in the political dark. Without the data the EIF could make public, many political leaders (both Democrat and Republican) remain in denial to the scope of this problem.
The EIF-produced data can illuminate the scope of the need. Funding sources could then catch up with this immense need. Once they realize the amount necessary to compensate each potential exoneree, well, let’s say this has gotta scare the bejeezus out of them. Better to resolve this sooner than later.
By the way, claimants own their own data. Unlike all the popular social media platforms, claimants are to receive direct compensation for any use of their private case data. If this gets challenged in the courts where laws prohibit profiting from one’s alleged crime, this process has another tool called “legitimacy quality” that compels them to link each law and its interpretation to each resolved needs. This process asserts how resolved needs sits at a higher authority than arbitrary law enforcement, and backs this with empirical data. There are more options after that, but I digress.
How can the EIF serve you?
The EIF is also for innocence litigators.