Remove your pain by knowing your seasonal needs
If in your personal spring, you naturally seek to renew your relationships.
If in your personal summer, you naturally seek to grow closer to others.
If in your personal autumn, you naturally seek a harvest from your relationships.
If in your personal winter, you naturally seek more solitude. Rinse & repeat.
As the Earth warms when closer to the Sun and then cools when away from the Sun, your life warms when closer to others and cools when away from others. The Earth requires both closeness and distance. So do you.
Download the free Excel spreadsheet based in Native American wisdom, enter your birthday in the spreadsheet, and see what season you now are in. Know why you seek distance from those smothering you. Use your fresh awareness to speak truth to power.
Let us turn your stress into opportunities for support, to unleash your life’s seasonal potential. No upfront commitments. Check out the sample. Then download the form today.

What personal season are you in now?
Currently requires MS Excel to utilize.
[NOTE: You are embarking on our earliest version. You can help us refine this tool. You can help us turn this into an app anyone can download and use. Thank you for being such an innovator!]
After you download the spreadsheet, it will open in PROTECTED VIEW. Go ahead and click on Enable Editing to start using it. You can then enter your birthdate in cell M2. The rest will flow like magic.