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Speaking Your Truth to Power

By knowing your personal seasons

So you have downloaded the 4 SEASONS spreadsheet, filled it out, and ready to send those messages. Here is where you upload your saved spreadsheet, let us know where to send them, and pay for the process as your investment in yourself.

With your pioneering support, and constructive input for improving this, we will get this process fully automated. Until then, thank you for working with our clunky process.

Notifying Impactors

Notifying your Impactors


Upload your completed spreadsheet
Max File Size 15MB

You will need a PayPal account or credit/debit card for this process to work. If you do not have your own PayPal account or your own credit or debit card, consider partnering with someone who has at least one of these options.


1. Upload your completed spreadsheet using the button above. Locate the file on your computer, select it, then click the Open button.


The file name will appear below the button, replacing “Max File Size 15MB.” If your file is larger than 15MB, you can send it directly to us at


2. Fill out the form at left. Complete each of the four fields to make sure we can serve you properly.

A) Your name, as you wish it to appear.

B) Your email address, which we do not disclose to any recipient: replies are sent directly to us and then passed along to you.

C) Select how many recipient Impactors to receive your forwarded message with our support.

D) Provide the name and verified email of each Impactor to receive your message.


We use this information to ensure we match it correctly with your uploaded spreadsheet file.


3. Click the Submit button. You will be taken to your PayPal profile. Or invited to start a PayPal account.


  • If only selecting one recipient, you will see a charge for $5.00.

  • If sending to two or more recipients, you will be charged $10 each.

  • Apply a discount code, if you received one.


Checkout with PayPal or PayPal CREDIT. Or click on the credit/debit card options. To checkout with a debit or credit card, you will enter your email address and then your card number, its expiration month and year, and its CVC on the back of the card, and finally your billing zip code.


Click “Back to Store” when your payment completes. We then take it from there. Your life empowering journey has begun!


Check your email inbox to see how your process with each Impactor is progressing. If you have not heard from us in a while, so send us a reminder. Again, we thank you for your patient understanding as we bootstrap this service with little more than your trust in us. Thank you.


Now, onto inviting supporters.

Inviting your supporters


Upload your completed spreadsheet
Max File Size 15MB

You only need to use this form at the left if inviting more than five potential supporters. If you are inviting only five or less, and you included their name and email addresses in the uploaded spreadsheet, skip this step.


If inviting more than five, you will need a PayPal account or credit/debit card. If you do not have your own PayPal account or your own credit or debit card, consider partnering with someone who has.


1. Upload your completed spreadsheet using the button above. Locate the file on your computer, select it, then click the Open button. If this file is exactly the same as the one uploaded above, then skip this step.


2. Fill out the form at left. Complete each of the four fields to make sure we can serve you properly.

A) Your name, as you wish it to appear. Likely the same as the form above.

B) Your email address, the same as the above form.

C) Select how many recipient Impactors to receive your forwarded message with our support.

D) Provide the name and verified email of each Impactor to receive your message.


We use this information to ensure we match it correctly with your uploaded spreadsheet file.


3. Click the Submit button. You will be taken to your PayPal profile. Or invited to start a PayPal account.


If only selecting one to five, you will not be charged anything. We send the first five for free.

If sending to six or more recipients, you will be charged $10 each.

If applying a discount code, you may be able to reduce your overall cost.


Use the same steps above to process any payment to us. If you have any question about this, please drop us a line. The more you succeed with this, the more we all can succeed together. 

Check your email inbox to see how your process with each Impactor is progressing. If you have not heard from us in a while, so send us a reminder. Again, we thank you for your patient understanding as we bootstrap this service with little more than your trust in us.


Thank you.

Inviting Supporters

Grow with us. We know the user experience (UX) here has much need for improvement. Help us get there. Donate what you can. Consider a monthly gift. You can end at any time. Help create this service that lifts us all out of wretched situations. One step of loving support at a time. Thank you.

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solving problems by resolving needs
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removing pain by resolving needs

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