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LET US SUPPORT YOU to turn any negative impact into a positive impact.


We all have blind spots. We all impact others in ways we cannot know. Unless those you negatively impact have the courage to tell you. Unlikely.


The less powerful are less likely to tell you how you negatively impact their lives.


They feel too vulnerable. The fear suffering a worse fate. So they grow accustom to getting by the best they think they can. They survive, even as you thrive unknowingly at their expense.


We are here for you to turn this fate around, for the benefit of all.



You are likely here because you received a message we sent on someone’s behalf. Our client found the courage—with our backing—to contact you about some need you arguably impact.


You are likely in some position of authority over this client. Or influence their life in some way. From the client’s perspective, they are the less-powered one in a power imbalance with you.


We consider them the Impactee. They are impacted more by you than they impact you.

We consider you the Impactor. You impact them more than they arguably impact you.


They often feel coerced by your power to acquiesce to terms as given. When they can no longer take it, they contemplate their adversarial options. But it still feels like a no-win situation.


Instead of resorting to adversarial reactions, we offer the client and you a conciliatory approach. We empower each side to resolve each other’s impacted needs.


They get to turn a stressful situation into one of potential support.

You get to turn a situation of hidden conflict into one of brandable value.



The client’s options

Powerless clients typically avoid conflicts with those more powerful. You likely avoid conflict with those with resources far greater than you can access. So you can understand if the client has avoided dealing with this situation directly until now.


The client has a list of legitimate adversarial options we would like to replace with our conciliatory approach.

  • Litigation

  • Consumer complaint board

  • Complaints to those in authority over you

  • Industry watchdogs

  • Sympathetic press

  • Social media campaign

  • Online negative reviews

  • Word-of-mouth negativity

  • Disruption of your revenue streams

  • Propose legislation or local ordinances

  • Absenteeism

  • Presenteeism

  • Non-cooperation

  • and more


Each of these lets the client relieve some built up pain. But unfortunately at your expense. Let’s consider some better options, where both mutually respect each other’s affected needs.



Let’s not go there

If this smells like extortion, sniff again. Any stench rising up comes from you arguably “extorting” the client in ways privileged by gaps in the law.


Power lets you obtain things of value from them against their best interests.


If they cannot afford the same caliber of legal assistance as you, you are already at risk of privileged extortion over the powerless. We offer a preferred alternative to the distorting adversarial process of litigation, or other hostile reactions.


We stretch beyond mere relief of pain to remove the cause of pain, on both sides of this power relationship. The client is worth it. We think you are worth it too.



Your options

Your first obvious option is to simply ignore this. If you never take the time to read this, the client may well assume you are opting out of this opportunity.


They may have to resort to their adversarial options. They can only take so much. As you can only take so much from those in power over you.


Understandably, you can only do so much. Those in authority over you restrict your options. We call this “upchain,” as in up the chain of command. Let’s look at what you can do now. Click which best applies.

You can let us know you are ready to try the next step with us. You are not committing to anything. You merely trust us to show you how in more detail how this can work for you.

You can let us know you require more information before expressing any further interest. Perhaps we need to tailor this service to your specific situation. I think we can do that.

You can let us know you are not ready to respond at this time. Perhaps you see some merit in this process. But your budget constrains you right now. We can understand.

You can let us know you are not interested in this service. Once we receive your “hard no” we will discontinue any further discussion about this service.

We anticipate you will at least give us a try.


Your opportunity with us


We help you transform any negative impacts on the vulnerable to positive impacts. We build a bridge between the client and you, our honored guest. We compel the client to replace any adversarial options with our unique conciliatory approach.


Your responsiveness can lower their current levels of anxiety and depression. You can enable them to do more than survive, but to actually thrive. You can support their meaningful purpose in life. You can inspire them to flourish.


Instead of suffering their hostile reaction, we cultivate mutual benefit. You get due credit when more responsive to the client. This can improve your branding. And add to any corporate social responsibility goals.


The more you positively impact their life with this support service, we invite you to co-invest in their development. We guide them through crowdfunding rounds. And offer you personalized perks for joining others already supporting their emerging improved life.


We trust you see this as a radically fresh approach to economic empowerment. Both for them and for you. The least you can do now, for yourself and for the client, is to take the next tentative explorative step.


Your next step


Click on the RSVP form below. This page serves as a catchall for various invitations to try this service. After sharing your name and email address that we share with no one, select how you were invited. Identify the STTP tool you received and give us its ID#. Add any message you like.


We look forward to engaging you with this pioneering service. Let’s make some magic together!

Impact Parity Model

Impact Parity Model
Let's get started
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Let's get started


You understandably could use more information about this. 


Your next step


Click on the RSVP form below. This page serves as a catchall for various invitations to try this service. After sharing your name and email address that we share with no one, select how you were invited. Identify the STTP tool you received and give us its ID#. Add any message you like.


We look forward to engaging you with this pioneering service. Let’s make some magic together!

How It Works

How It Works


You understandably could use more information about this. 


Your next step


Click on the RSVP form below. This page serves as a catchall for various invitations to try this service. After sharing your name and email address that we share with no one, select how you were invited. Identify the STTP tool you received and give us its ID#. Add any message you like.


We look forward to engaging you with this pioneering service. Let’s make some magic together!

Hold that thought

Hold that thought


You understandably could use more information about this. 


Your next step


Click on the RSVP form below. This page serves as a catchall for various invitations to try this service. After sharing your name and email address that we share with no one, select how you were invited. Identify the STTP tool you received and give us its ID#. Add any message you like.


We look forward to engaging you with this pioneering service. Let’s make some magic together!

Not for me

"Not for me."


You understandably could use more information about this. 


Your next step


Click on the RSVP form below. This page serves as a catchall for various invitations to try this service. After sharing your name and email address that we share with no one, select how you were invited. Identify the STTP tool you received and give us its ID#. Add any message you like.


We look forward to engaging you with this pioneering service. Let’s make some magic together!

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solving problems by resolving needs
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removing pain by resolving needs

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