“We know without doubt that the vast majority of innocent defendants who are convicted of crimes are never identified and cleared.”
- Samuel Gross, editor of the National Registry of Exonerations, as reported in 2015 in the Washington Post.
This platform serves every wrongly convicted person who is underserved by the legal-judicial process.
Download a free spreadsheet tool that will automatically estimate your innocence.
Upload the complete form if you want to publicize your compelling case of innocence.
If you thought there was no hope left in ever being exonerated, think again. You've just found it.
Join us at our Facebook group The Unexonerated.
Compelling Innocence Claims

ex related to CPS official
previous wrongful conviction
witness lied to save self
burn patterns were junk science
Coerced into plea deal by threats to take her kids away
Vermont 2015
Likely innocence:

key witness original person of interest
key witness destroyed key evidense
key witness owed victim over $200,000
likely Brady violation
Accused of murder by witness who had a motive to kill the victim
untested DNA
Georgia 2004
Likely innocence:
Quantifying innocence
So you or someone you love has been accused of a crime, and duly convicted in a court of law.
While no one sits above the law, no laws sits above the needs it exists to serve.
Yet you insist you or that person is innocent of all charges, and claim you or that person has been wrongly convicted. Right?
Few if anyone will believe you. They likely assume all felons claim innocence to avoid responsibility for their actions. You personally know that they actually don't.
Justifism = "justifying" a lack of justice.
They don't know you or your loved one, or the specifics of this case. They likely don't realize how common wrongful convictions actually are, and how few are ever exonerated.
Any appeals you've attempted have gained you little. Innocence projects might help you, but they're kept busy serving others. "If you're so innocent," others insist, "why aren't you exonerated yet?" Oh, how little do they know.

You try to get on with your life. If not stuck in prison, you're stuck with second-class citizenship status. Your earning potential is steeply compromised. You can't afford legal services to demonstrate your innocence.
Your options remain few. Until now. Welcome to the Estimated Innocence Form. It instantly quantifies your degree of innocence, by comparing your claim with exonerated cases.
You fill out the form and post it here for all to see. We work together to identify overlooked innocence. We challenge the legitimacy of authorities resisting the truth.
In short, we speak truth to power. We publicized the truth of your innocence to a candid world.
We model a deeper justice. We replace the hostilities of adversarial justice with the love of mutual respect missing in the legal system. We resolve needs with the force of love.
Ready to quantify your innocence?
For incarcerated claimants
What if the claimant cannot access the spreadsheet version?
Use this alternate form instead for incarcerated claimants.
Download the paper version of the form with the button below.
Print it out, preferably double-sided to reduce postage costs.
Send to to the incarcerated claimant you represent.
After receiving completed form from incarcerated claimant
Besides transcribing the paper form into the spreadsheet version:
Copy or scan the last signed page of the form.
Mail the copy to the address on the form, or upload the scan here.
Let you incarcerated claimant know the process is well under way.
Professional help to review viable claims of innocence
fail to keep up with numerous requests to review claims,
tends to replicate some systemic errors, because such help
sadly relies on the legalistic adversarial judicial process.
Value Relating
provides a calculated estimate of likely factual innocence based on your information,
helps you build internal and external supports to confront this injustice,
supports your innocence claim.